What does sigalert mean

Should not be confused with ' Cig Alert '. That means your down to your last two in the pack. Looking for a great dog?

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Remember Me? Mark Forums Read. Re: what does "sig alert" mean? Find More Posts by mud. Find More Posts by motorman4life. Find More Posts by Bronto. The term has become so familiar A controversy over a massive new dorm proposed for the University of California Santa Barbara, which comes with design strings attached by the donor paying for the new facility, has taken the Internet by storm.

November 2, - The Santa Barbara Independent. New stories are unfolding in these suburban places as they change and grow. Is it time for a suburban revival? Cities with populations between 25, and , continue to see an influx of migrants lured by lower costs of living and high quality-of-life metrics.

Perhaps it's tickled your brain that the Sigalert was coined by broadcast traffic pioneer Lloyd C. According to a New York Times article , Sigmon was a forward thinking broadcast journalist and the proud owner of a cream-colored Lincoln Continental with a hands-free cellular telephone and a vanity license plate that proclaimed "SIGALRT. Working with the Los Angeles Police Department, Sigmon's solution was to install shortwave receivers.

These would be activated by a signal from Los Angeles police headquarters. Then, the officer's bulletin would be recorded for immediate broadcast and was named by Los Angeles chief of police William H.

Parker as a "Sigalert. The first SIGalert bulletin went out on Labor Day of that same year, drawing drivers' attention, and the rest is history. Sigmon died in at the age of As of , the California Highway Patrol and other police agencies send out SIGalerts, and media broadcasts offer alternate route information for drivers who spend much of their time on the roads. Fact Checks. Sig Alert Origin. Top Fact Checks. View all. Most Searched.

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