What is the significance of thursday

The astrological and astronomical sign of the planet Jupiter is sometimes used to represent Thursday. Thursday is the name of a six-piece post-hardcore rock band from America formed in In the U.

The last U. In some American high schools during the s and s, wearing the color green on a Thursday would lead to people believing you were gay. Thursday is the day between Wednesday and Friday.

It is the fourth day of the week, according to the international standard ISO The English word Thursday is named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. Thor is represented riding a chariot drawn by goats and wielding his hammer. In most languages with Latin origins, the day is named after the god and planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is depicted as the chief god of sky and thunder who maintained his power with his thunderbolt. In modern temples and art, he is depicted dressed in yellow and seated on lotus, or in his chariot. He has 4 arms and holds a mace, a rosary and a sphere or water-pot. Brihaspati is the son of Rishi Angiras according to the Rig Veda 4. He has two brothers named Utathya and Samvartana, and has three wives.

His seven daughters. His second wife, Tara, gave birth to seven sons and a daughter. Tara, who was later fell in love with Chandra, the moon and Budha Mercury was born to them. After the war between Brihaspati and Chandra, Tara returned to her husband. The mantra could bring back life in a dead and hence gods sent Kacha to learn it.

Brihaspati is also noted to have taught asuras for ten years impersonating as Shukracharya. Invalid email address. Submit Article. Ask a Question. Like these articles? Comments from Readers.


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