What makes eminem such a good rapper

Dre, Bass Brothers, and others, Eminem was bringing oddball raps to an operatic-like stage. Infinite and The Slim Shady LP studied the great albums of the underground and the mainstream, and blended the architecture of the two. By the s, entering his thirties, Eminem raised the stakes.

The Marshall Mathers LP swapped some of the stand-up-like elements for more personal writing. Instead, the caricature became more of a character. Eminem no longer had to rely upon making fun of Pop tart felatio and Sonny Bono to get into American living-rooms. Entrenched in feuds with Benzino, Ja Rule, and others, Eminem started making war-crying records. Fans hung on every word, as Eminem chronicled his paranoia, his anger, and a multi-millionaire on the edge of sanity.

Macklemore, Post Malone and others might not be where they are today — or rather, they would have had a very different path to get there — were it not for Eminem. ES Money. The Escapist.

The Reveller. The Optimist. ES Best. ES Mag. Follow us:. Hot Songs. Billboard Top Videos. Top Articles. By Heran Mamo. Copied to clipboard. Click to copy. Artist Mentioned. What began as a tentative dance has become a passionate embrace. In fact, he loves you. You know, underneath that gruff exterior, between the lines of those nasty lyrics, lies a tender heart that has been hurt, a good man who just needs more love and understanding.

This is a myth that battered women have been fed for centuries! That his violence is her responsibility, that if only she loved him more, his abuse would stop. How could he? He loves his daughter! His defenders — including women — will utter some of the most discredited myths about abusive men as if they have special insight!

The fact is, most batterers are not one-dimensional ogres. We all know that heterosexual young guys are forever struggling to figure out what girls want.

That girls want to be treated with dignity and respect? Girls and women, even those who have been coopted into Eminem-worship, want to be treated with respect. Eminem is popular with white audiences in large measure because the African American gangsta rap icon Dr.

Dre himself is one of the most misogynous and homophobic figures in the history of rap music. In other words, Eminem and Dre are modeling a perverse sort of interracial solidarity that comes at the expense of women. But Marshall Mathers, if he ever was an underdog, has long since crossed over into the role of bully. Unlike most bullies this side of right-wing talk radio, however, he has a very large microphone and now a screen presence. One glaring similarity is the folklore that Mathers has actively constructed about his famously difficult childhood.

Narcissistic batterers frequently paint themselves as the true victims. But it is not as well-known that batterer intervention counselors hear this excuse every single day from men who are in court-mandated programs for beating their girlfriends and wives. She pushed my buttons and I just reacted.


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