I think I only repurchased one or two times. Buy them on Amazon. As mentioned earlier, newborns lack control over their hands and fingers and they unintentionally scratch themselves because of this. The older they get the more intentional movements they make. Of course all babies develop at different times, but you should stop seeing the scratching between months. Whether you have a newborn or older baby, seeing your baby scratching their face at night is distressing.
You may be wondering if they will scar. The answer is, unlikely. A surface scratch should not lead to a scar. I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child, so I decided to start blogging to share my ups and downs and nuggets of wisdom in hopes it helps someone going through the same thing. We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. We keep them up because there are a ton of great conversations here and we believe you deserve to see them all.
I keep my lo hands covered, but I know soon she'll want to start grabbing toys. Is there a point when they don't scratch their faces as much? I keep her nails short but they are still so sharp! Have you tried using the little nail files to file them? If I keep my baby's clipped he's fine, but when they grow out he can do a number on his little face. I hate that my daughter scratches her face! I gave away her mittens because she didn't mess with her face. Now she's discovered her hands and it's been downhill.
One day I had to put socks on her hands! I do try and file them which she doesn't like but they are still so sharp! I have gotten all the marks on her face healed but don't dare leave her without mittens when I'm not holding her. My little guy rarely scratches himself and instead scratches me! He's only scratched himself twice. I'm always so scared to cut his nails and even when I do they're still sharp. I'm going to get a nail to see if that will help.
But I think the older they get the more damage they can do with their nails. I'm so glad someone's in the same boat as me.. I have mittens on my daughter all the time because as soon as I take then off she grabs her cheeks and her eyelids and scratches herself!! We recommend a two part process to tacking the trouble caused by itchy skin in your baby.
Number one, keep a journal. This may sound silly — but it can create miracles in your life! Every time you notice that your baby is itching, make a brief note in a special notebook about what they are wearing, what they ate last, any products you recently applied to their skin soaps, lotions, shampoo, powders, etc.
This can help you quickly find a pattern and handle a food allergy, detergent sensitivity, fabric sensitivity, or even just time of the day when things seem to get worse.
Knowledge is power! One common newborn reflex is an involuntary startle response called the Moro reflex. As a result of this reflex, when babies are startled by loud noises, sudden movements, or life in general, they typically react by arching their back and extending their arms and legs, followed by curling in again. Their hands may jerk toward their face, and they may accidentally scratch themselves.
Sound awful? You can also help your baby advance in this area by giving them space to stretch their arms and legs each day. This will help them develop the necessary muscles! It may have rough patches, baby acne , or peeling. This is totally normal.
That said, it may elicit some scratches in the meantime. If, however, your baby has extra sensitive skin or develops a skin condition like eczema , you may find that their skin is more irritated and ends up easily scratched.
They grow quickly and tend to be as sharp as talons. Because babies frequently have their hands up near their faces gotta love reflexes!
This can feel safer, as the nail is slowly whittled away instead of trimmed in one quick cut. You can also try keeping their arms down to their sides with a swaddle, at least for the first few months until they begin rolling over. Seem simple?