When was populate or perish introduced

Defining Moments Postwar immigration drive. See our classroom resource. Among the new immigrants were the first government-sanctioned non-British migrants. This massive influx of people transformed Australian society.

Suitable migrants Even before the end of the war, Australia began negotiations with Britain about a migration scheme. Migrant arrivals in Sydney, Changing the face of Australia In the years that followed, policies slowly changed to accept migrants from southern and eastern Europe and, from the late s and early s, carefully selected temporary migrants from the Middle East and Asia.

George Megalogenis Marina Go Tasneem Chopra Dr Tim Soutphommasane Amanda Vanstone Defining Moments: Auschwitz armband Curriculum subjects.

Year levels. In our collection. Asia was, back then, regarded as the enemy. Above: world populations since Source: World Bank. How things change, yet stay the same.

And again, immigration — not an accelerated breeding program of naturalised Australians — is the only way this can realistically occur. A larger domestic population might provide markets for domestic industries, for local employment and for community wide infrastructure. Our cities are simply too small to make this work. I want to take just two examples and interpose them into the Australian context. The total population of the Greater Los Angeles area is around 15 million people.

Put into a visual context, the contrast is even more apparent. At LA levels of population density, roughly the area we know of as south east Queensland could accommodate some 15 million people comfortably. A more extreme example, just to stretch the imagination further, is worth thinking about. Jakarta, Indonesia our nearest large foreign neighbour has a population of 26 million people. The footprint of greater urban Jakarta, home to 26 million people, easily fits within the boundary of south east Queensland.

Imagine this: the entire population of Australia, crammed as it would be into this super-compact urban footprint, and not a single soul living anywhere else on the entire continent? The argument that Australia is somehow incapable of supporting substantially larger population relies on a myth that we short of room.

Nor can it rely on suggestions that we would exhaust our energy stocks we are a net exporter and would remain so at much larger population numbers , nor our food production capacity again, we are a net exporter and would remain so even with much higher levels of population. In fact, in terms of food production, a lack of domestic market scale poses a significant problem for producers. The efficiency gains of primary production livestock to cropping have outpaced the growth in population.

What we do lack is water storage by way of dams, but the environmental lobby has vigorously opposed almost every proposed dam in the last 30 years whether for domestic supply, agriculture or hydro energy. The lack of water storage has been a policy decision made by successive governments for varying political reasons. For Australia to claim it cannot support more people due to water limitations is a bit of joke. Above: arable land area in hectares per person. Australia is well ahead of the field.

Infrastructure deficits are the other vexed issue raised by by those concerned with population growth. The problem though is largely that strategic infrastructure investment in this country is something really only talked about. The program must also be realistic, targeting Diasporans who live in countries in which conditions would be bettered by repatriation to Armenia.

For example, realistically recognizing that Armenians living in those Middle Eastern countries that have more limited freedoms and job prospects will be more likely to repatriate, before those living in the United States, Canada or Australia. That is, they will be more enticed by offerings such as free but modest accommodation, tax relief, guaranteed minimum income in jobs, and free education for their kids.

The broader migration program also needs to go beyond repatriation. This will enforce a proper opportunity for migrants and migrant families to integrate fully into Armenian society. This program must pave a clear path to fulfill citizenship and rights to vote that will ensure migrants are vested in the nation building of the Republic.

But I believe it is perfect as a guiding slogan for the attitude Armenia must adopt to fully address its issues with population growth, emphasizing repatriation and skill acquisition.

I am wondering when Mr. Kayserian and his fellow ARF Ungers will start packing their bags to move from their developed countries to use the education, work skills, business knowledge they have acquired to help Armenia to advance forward. Why is it that Mr.


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