Tini Villas Condo Assn. West Gardens Village Condo Assoc. Instant Home Value! Marital Status Average Age. Schools in Zip Code. Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners. Sex Offender Information. Boundary Schools. Nearby Zip Codes Safety Alertag Take the Alertag quiz and find out if an Alertag is right for you codeamberalertag.
Email Neighborhood Link Ideas? Contact us with your comments. Our Terms of Use. Women who had a birth in the past 12 months: now married , unmarried Women who did not have a birth in the past 12 months: 7, 1, now married , 5, unmarried. Percentage of zip code residents living and working in this county: Size of family households: 2, 2-persons , 1, 3-persons , 1, 4-persons , 5-persons , 6-persons , 7-or-more-persons.
Size of nonfamily households: 3, 1-person , 2-persons , 58 3-persons , 51 4-persons. Jump to a detailed profile or search site with. This zip code: 0. Profiles of local businesses. Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses Search for: near:. Males: 15, Zip code compared to state average: Median household income below state average. Unemployed percentage above state average.
Black race population percentage above state average. Hispanic race population percentage above state average. Median age below state average.
Foreign-born population percentage above state average. Renting percentage above state average. Length of stay since moving in significantly above state average. House age above state average. Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher below state average. Asian Population:. American Indian Population:. Hawaiian Population:. Other Population:. Male Population:. Female Population:.
Median Age:. Male Median Age:. Female Median Age:. Residential Mailboxes:. Business Mailboxes:. Total Delivery Receptacles:. Number of Businesses:.
Annual Payroll:. Water Area:. Land Area:. Single Family Delivery Units:. Multi Family Delivery Units:. Total Beneficiaries:. Retired Workers:. Disabled Workers:. Widow er s and Parents:.