Where to get hcg shots

But even then, strict and constant medical supervision is needed to ensure that side effects are not life-threatening. Without medical oversight, people on very low-calorie diets may not be getting enough vitamins, minerals and — most important — protein. If you want to lose weight, do it gradually and reduce the calories you eat every day. If you have HCG products for weight loss, quit using it, throw it out, and stop following the dieting instructions.

Talk to your health care professional about a safe and healthy weight loss plan for you. Enter your email address to subscribe:. When you begin a weight loss program with medical supervision, you gain access to professional guidance and state-of-the-art treatments, like hCG shots, that can jumpstart your results.

When administered by a medical professional, hCG shots can help you lose weight as fast as safely possible while you work to establish a healthy lifestyle to maintain your goals. In her private practice in Shenandoah and Houston, Texas, weight loss specialist Winnie King, MD , specializes in using hCG shots to help patients lose fat without sacrificing body muscle.

When used as part of a comprehensive weight loss program, hCG shots can help you achieve dramatic weight loss results without the frustration of trying to achieve success all on your own.

Find out more about the difference that hCG shots can make in your weight loss regimen. Men have it too in very small amounts. This hormone is excreted in the urine of pregnant women and provides the basis for results obtained through home pregnancy tests.

For weight loss programs compounding pharmacies can make a bio-identical form of HCG. When a very low-calorie diet is consumed , the body is forced to use stored fat as its primary food source. Some patients report that hCG acts as an appetite suppressant by reducing feelings of hunger. You can achieve optimal results from hCG shots when used with an hCG diet. With our modified Dr. Simeons hCG injection regimen, our patients are averaging one pound per day with our hCG injections, Lipotropic, and B12 shots.

The unique menu plan will make dieting fast, effective, and losing weight is easy with The HCG Institute. Once you begin your weight loss journey each patient will have a telemedicine video consultation with a board-certified functional medicine physician who will review your blood testing results and medical history.


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