Which instance drops silk cloth

Comment by Allakhazam hello people where can i buy silk cloth for as people say 6 s a piece. Comment by Allakhazam What are you guys talking about? SM try decolace just as high drop rate and NON-elites! Comment by Allakhazam Yeah I followed the recommendations here and I got silk cloth about every 30 minutes or so. Comment by Allakhazam one time i found silk cloth on a humanoid!

Comment by Allakhazam wheres the best drop rate at for the alliance. Comment by Allakhazam Where is the best place to grind these as a 60 mage? Need alot of stacks. Comment by Rostkebab Doesn't seem to be reliably dropped by anything.

Need to kill dozens of mobs to even get a few. Comment by Acann Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard 1 Hour Farm silk cloth 37 wool cloth 4 mageweave cloth 18 green items was farming enchanting mats 14 grave moss kingsblood is worthless on my server 1 jade 1 lesser moonstone 8.

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Silk Cloth Silk cloth is also very lucrative, and can be handed in with the major factions for much-needed reputation. You might find silk on some high 20s mobs, right up until late 30s or early 40s. It can be used to make 10 slot bags. Uldaman and Zul'Farrak are also decent places to look. The centaur north of Freewind Post have a high drop rate for silk higher than wool.

The dwarves outside of Uldaman carry a fair amount of silk. Stranglethorn Vale. The Venture Co. The Skullsplitter trolls south of the Mosh'ogg Ogre Mound and the Bloodscalp trolls north-west of Grom'gol are also good bets, and a source of mojo. The ogres of the Alterac Mountains around the Ruins of Alterac also drop a decent amount of silk.

If you are an herbalist, this is a great place to collect [Wintersbite]. The syndicate just outside the snowy area are also a good place to farm. The Barrens. Those annoying clothes-wearing upright boar outside of the Razorfen dungeons drop a decent amount of silk. The demons south of Satyrnaar also collect silk.

Again, there are some great herbs in that area. Hillsbrad Foothills. Don't forget the dwarves of Dun Garok! Arathi Highlands has the very strange Stromgarde Keep. Mageweave Cloth This type of cloth is generally collected naturally by those in their 40s. Mageweave bags have 12 slots, and can also be turned in to the major factions for reputation. Dungeons The Temple of Atal'Hakkar has a high drop rate. Maraudon and Zul'Farrak also have a fair amount of mageweave. Key Areas Felwood.

The Timbermaw Deadwood furbolgs in southern Felwood are worth farming, not only for mageweave, but for the Timbermaw faction reputation and thus, rewards. They also drop potions very willingly.

The demons around Jaedenar also drop mageweave, and [Felcloth]. Searing Gorge. The Dark Iron Dwarves stationed throughout this province carry mageweave. The pink cloth doesn't seem like it should appeal, but hey; to each his own.

Aye matey! The pirates be carryin' mageweave indeed. I also liked farming those Wastewander mobs. They have a decent spawn rate for treasure chests which often contain items like [Truesilver], drop lots of potions, and generally amuse me. Plus you can turn in their pouches for foodstuffs. Scarlet Monastery is also one of the highest-level dungeons that a level 60 can solo reliably.

Razorfen Kraul is lower level, but surprisingly decent silk farming as well, and you can start it at a lower level than Scarlet Monastery. The best way to farm any cloth is through dungeons, for wool these would be Shadowfang Keep and The Stockades. The easiest way to farm Felcloth is to go to the satyr camps in Azshara.

Be prepared to come back later because these mobs are heavily camped. If you are looking for mass amounts of runecloth Either for leveling Tailoring or trying to get rep with the core factions for mounts the best place to farm runecloth is in Blackrock Stronghold The orcs there can be killed fast and drop runecloth almost in every kill. One of the main reasons is that many people around level who want to grind quickly go to Outland where runecloth does not drop.

The furbolgs are normal, rather than elite, so die much faster, and respawn very quickly. You should only farm here if you oneshot the guards because the guards drop no loot. The Dwarfs and Troggs inside the cave that leads to Uldaman drop a lot of Silk, so this is a great alternative if you can't farm at the previous places mentioned in the guide. Don't forget to clear the mobs outside the cave too! There are a lot of mobs up on the cliff to the right from the cave entrance.

The respawn rate is not that fast, so if you have a class with high mobility, you might clear the mobs too fast and you have to wait for respawns.


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