Your e-mail address Subscribe Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! Share this article: Link to facebook Link to linkedin Link to twitter. Sign up for our newsletter. Comments 6. Are cemetery names italicized? Not just one but many listed in an article? Hi, Linda. Patrick M. If a name that should be italicized is incorporated into a larger name that would not be, do we keep the original italics?
Interesting question, Patrick! When using the title of a book within a title of an article, most style guides suggest using italics for the title of the book e. If we extend that convention to a museum name, it would suggest italicizing "Lexington" just as you would if you were mentioning the ship elsewhere in the text. However, individual style guides may offer differing advice e.
And as long as you use a consistent style, there's probably room for flexibility here. Georjina Chia. According to your guidelines, it's a building, so it shouldn't be italicized. Hi, Georjina. If you're referring to the "USS Lexington Museum" comment, it is the name of a ship which would conventionally be italicized within the name of a museum, hence the clash of conventions and our explanation.
As we say in the previous comment, though, there's room for flexibility here if you're not following a specific style guide. Upload a document Instant Quote. Have you read To Kill a Mockingbird? Have you been to the theater to see Romeo and Juliet? Lord of the Rings is a very large book.
Grammar What Are Compound Adjectives? Grammar What Is a Compound Sentence? Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. Write with confidence. Get real-time suggestions wherever you write. They should not be italicized after the first time they appear in a particular document. References to legal cases should be italicized when they appear in text.
The formal names given to some vessels, such as trains, ships, aircraft, and spacecraft should be italicized. Note that the prefix for a vessel name, such as USS, is not italicized; only the actual name of the vessel itself should be presented in italics. In the past, some style guides recommended underlying for the types of names and titles that should now be presented in italics. This recommendation pre-dates commonplace use of computers and is based on the writing considerations when works were either handwritten or drafted on a typewriter.
While underlining can still be used for emphasis , it has been largely phased out for other purposes. Text should not have more than one formatting enhancement. For example, avoid using italics and underlining on the same word or phrase. Choose one or the other to show emphasis, not both. If you are preparing a handwritten document and you wish to use italics for a few words or phrases, simply slant those words to the right if you are printing.
However, if you are writing in cursive or if your letters naturally slant to the right, it would be best to underline the terms you want to emphasize. If your character is having a dream, you will want to separate that text from the rest of the book by using Italics. The context around the scene is crucial to help the reader know if the scene in question is a dream or a memory. For instance, if the character is seen in his bed, the reader would know the use of italics in this scenario denotes a dream and not a flashback.
When you are writing and need to emphasize a specific word, you should do so by using italicizing the word that you want to be emphasized. This will let the reader know to pay special attention to a specific word. You probably want to use this even less in academic writing as it is often frowned upon in that setting. Make sure you understand the difference between the name of the sound and the sound itself. The name of the sound does NOT get italicized. Whereas the audible sound itself does.
Example of name of sound vs auditory occurance : The cat meowed braking up the silence. Example of using Italics for names of ships. The Titanic or Apollo Example of italicizing letters as letters in your writing : They peered at the old treasure map wondering what was burried at the location where X marked the spot.
Actually, according to MLA format, the way you format a direct quote depends on the length of the quote.