This helps the team to utilize their time in the best possible way. Taking control over remote time management can help your team hit the expected milestones. Remote team productivity calls for limited micromanagement.
Your employees are not trained like baseball players to handle this pressure. As much as your team needs flexibility, they want to eliminate micro-management.
Focusing only on the output of your employee not only gives them space but also indicates that you trust them. Aimless and vague goals make no sense as they would end up nowhere. Being specific about hitting a goal or a milestone can bring about clarity for the team. Meeting targets with a specific intent in mind can bring an exceptional outcome in work delivery.
Share details with them, include them in the decisions, ask them their opinion. Make them feel that they are involved in something bigger than just meeting the deadline. This will add excitement and joy to their work. Creating a personal workspace can be daunting for employees. To soothe this pain point, make sure that you equip your team with all the necessary resources such as a good Wi-Fi connection or an electronic device.
When they will have all the resources and your support, they will meet your working expectations. You can only do that by knowing their current environment and checking if there is a gap that you can fulfill. Orangescrum integrates slack , Zoom, and Google Drive for better sharing and collaboration purposes. As a Project Manager, Orangescrum can be your go-to productivity tool. Providing an encouraging environment for your team online is challenging.
Using these strategies, you will be able to accomplish that. In the end, it is important to understand that current situations are unstable but we need to prioritize our health and mindset. Please enter your email. Hello Orangescrumers! We are back with something new for all our customers with our latest release. We at Orangescrum stay committed to our resolve of listening to our customers and updating our product to ensure it addresses the ever-changing needs of the market.
All the following updates are being released with a common goal to ensure an easy and seamless project management experience. In the meantime, we got customer feedback about timesheet approval.
Considering the feedback, we have worked on the timesheet approval feature and released it for all the users. This feature enables you as an approver to approve or reject the weekly timesheets and the hours logged by the users. Previously there was no way for the approvers to approve the hours logged by a user.
Now, the approval of your weekly timesheet is in the hands of the approver. Somehow, have more control over your teams working remotely and check the overall progress of your projects even more efficiently by monitoring the hours logged by various resources working on the projects. Note : The user will not be able to edit the timesheet once submitted until rejected and reverted back by the approver.
Users would be able to know any shortfall or exceeded time logs over a week while submitting the timesheet. For any shortfall, the user has to put a reason in the comment before submitting the timesheet to the approver. Manage the timesheets pending for your approval, have a glance at all the timesheets handled by you, get a quick view of all the timesheets pending to be handled, accepted, and rejected by you all with ease.
Note : The approvers can add a reject note in case the submitted timesheet for a user is being rejected. This allows the user to understand the cause of rejection, rectify it and submit it back to the approver. Get a complete timesheet report with actual vs estimated, rejected, approved and submitted time entries by resource or project over a period of time in a single view. Filter out the users or the projects as per requirement and know the amount of job done in each case.
Now the users can define the time frame for the report they want and filter out the projects to find out the total hours logged on various resources on each project. The new report introduced allows the users not only to find out hours logged per resource in various projects but also the other way round.
The user can select a time frame he wants to track and all relevant details flashes in front of his eyes within seconds. How do you manage your timesheets in your organization? Do let us know in the comments section below. Amit Anirudha is a product specialist and customer success manager at Orangescrum. He is passionate about Orangescrum and project management.
An Engineer by choice and a master blaster in cricket! Follow him on Twitter at AnirudhOS. You can find him on LinkedIn here.
Everyone gets 24 hours, 7 days a week, but only a handful of people are good at time management. As a result, they get time for everything. Some are good at time management at work and in personal life because they believe we can control our time. What happens when we fail to control our own time? Poor habits lead the life. But the good news is you can improve time management in order to get back those lost hours and make time for everything you want to do.
In order to improve time management at work , you need to find out where your time is going. Now you can figure out the ways to get the most of your time. The key to successful time management is prioritization. Not every task included in the worklist is equally essential.
Some of the tasks are urgent — need your immediate attention and some needs less time to execute and complete. Introducing Time Management in block will help you to boost your personal productivity. Objectivity, Planning, and Discipline are the pillars of Time blocking. When you practice this over a period of time, you can be free of distractions, plan ahead of time, assign hours and deadlines.
This step is essential to improve time management. Realistic daily goals need realistic deadlines. Another important tip for managing time is to avoid multitasking. Juggling resources within multiple projects is common when resources are limited. However, in this ever-evolving business environment, any error from poor judgment can prove to be very costly.
So it is when the simulation of business scenarios comes in handy. Applying different sets of rules on the same resource pool and comparing situations can help visualize various impacts. What-if analysis, a powerful feature of resource modeling and simulation, helps arrive at potential outcomes using constraint-based assessment. Like weighing the pros and cons of options in our everyday situation, this principle applies to resource planning and allocation. Once the ideal and feasible scenario is derived, implementing the same on an actual project schedule facilitates successful resource allocation.
Even after the resource allocation process is complete, there can be changes in the project requirement that requires immediate attention. Role-based customizable dashboards enable decision-makers to make informed decisions and make adjustments to the resource allocations accordingly.
Thus, real-time business intelligence help in tracking and controlling resource allocations ahead of time. SAVIOM is the market leader in offering the most powerful and configurable solutions for deploying appropriate resources to suitable projects.
With over 20 years of experience, this Australia-based MNC has helped more than clients across over 50 countries address specific business challenges. SAVIOM also provides tools for project portfolio management, professional service automation, and workforce planning software. No Comments ». You must be logged in to post a comment. See how intuitive and effective our resource management solution is by booking in a free, custom-configured trial. What is Resource Allocation, and Why is it Important?
Last updated on October 5, By. Jump to Section. Definition of resource allocation: Resource allocation, also known as resource scheduling , recognizes and assigns resources for a specific period to various activities.
What are the challenges of resource allocation? What are the benefits of resource allocation in project management? Here are some key benefits of resource allocation in project management: i Reduce project resource costs significantly ii Maximize the productivity of resources on projects iii Enhance employee engagement and satisfaction iv Facilitate client satisfaction with successful project delivery v Achieve the best outcome within existing resource constraints 4.
The Glossary 6. The Saviom Solution SAVIOM is the market leader in offering the most powerful and configurable solutions for deploying appropriate resources to suitable projects. Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Get resources to your inbox directly! Project management is a very wide area of work, particularly in business. It covers many different topics which can be broken into even smaller particles. Work of a project manager is not only about giving people orders and telling them what to do.
Many people limit their work of a project manager to supervising their employees and making sure everyone meets their deadline. Resource allocation in project management is one of those particles which make work of a good PM effective and significant.
And even though it may seem simple, it is actually crucial in delivering a great project. Resource allocation in project management is concerned with creating a plan which can help achieve future goals.
Resource allocation in project management is so important because it gives a clear picture on the amount of work that has to be done. It is also possible to analyze existing threats and risks to the project. But above all, resource allocation in project management helps to control all the workload. Since resources refer to quite an extensive list of things and aspects of project management, it may be confusing when trying to properly allocate them all.
As a time tracking software, TimeCamp knows the importance of proper time and budget allocation among others.