The good news is you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is. The path to student confidence begins by creating a culture of encouragement. Teachers and parents can build a culture of encouragement by embodying the belief that every student has potential and is the ability to accomplish their goals.
Additionally, you should strive to focus on students' positive behaviors and actions as opposed to their negative ones. Keeping students on the right track once they demonstrate progress is vital to helping them achieve their goals. Providing verbal praise is a great way to offer encouragement to students who show progress throughout the learning journey.
Tangible forms of encouragement give students a visual reminder that they have the power to learn and succeed. They are especially effective when used sparingly or in moderation after students achieve learning milestones in the classroom.
Here are a few tangible forms of encouragement that can inspire students to continue to work toward their goals:. Students are accustomed to being recognized for achieving major learning accomplishments and milestones. For instance, students typically receive praise when they learn how to read, complete a grade, or graduate from elementary school or high school. However, a true culture of encouragement involves praising students for small achievements and modest improvements in their efforts.
Schools with a culture of encouragement are known for recognizing students for their accomplishments in newsletters and at ceremonies.
Others post inspiring messages on social media and post students' names on plaques and on banners in the hallway. When students receive this type of formal recognition, they are reminded that they have the power to achieve success.
They dole out lavish and effusive praise, bear hugs, and hearty cheers or applause. Other encouragers turn to techniques that are quiet and subtle: a soft smile, a kind word, or a light touch on the hand. Exline, Ph. According to Dictionary. I like what the following quote says about encouragement:. Encouragement can provide people with strength to look ahead, move forward,and reach for the next goal.
The whole emotional tone of a tough situation can be transformed through encouragement. Put another way, encouragement can help us do the things that we might not ordinarily do. Without sufficient encouragement, employees are less likely to excel at their work, children are less likely to learn new skills and Christians are less likely to share the Gospel.
Everyone needs encouragement. But what does the Bible say? Help others with encouraging words. It goes on to tell us the frequency with which we need to encourage each other. By putting more emphasis on those around me, I know when someone is struggling and needs to be encouraged. There are countless ways we can encourage each other. Friends have provided meals for my family after my mother died, when they saw that I was totally exhausted. When my father died, friends called to tell me they were praying for me.
Still others, sent cards. All of these things encouraged; they gave me the courage to go on even when life was hard. Like the friend who called me on a day I was ready to give up on this blog.
She called for a totally different reason, but when she heard my voice, she knew something was wrong. She is an encourager, and that day she gave me the gift of time and encouragement. End of section. Round and round we go, right? Encouragement leads to confidence, which leads to action, which leads to accomplishment, which branches off to more encouragement, and so on. On top of that, though, make your goals, and make your struggles known. Open yourself up to receiving encouragement from others and the many benefits that go along with it.
Ryan manages blog content at iD Tech, starting with the company in Connect on LinkedIn! We've bet our reputation on recruiting the top instructors in the country. Our small classes ensure customized learning, leading to "a-ha moments" and awesome outcomes. Programs include:.
On-Campus Programs. Previous Post Next Post. Benefits of encouragement for both giver and receiver. So here is my challenge: Encourage someone to do something today. Why is encouragement important? Here are five important benefits of encouragement: 1. Invigoration Very few things are easy. Confidence Think about what happens when you get discouraged.