You establish a relationship, and that person refers new business to you. Satisfied clients do the same. Clearly, referrals do happen, and many firms get most or all of their business from them. But referrals are passive. They rely on your clients and contacts to identify good prospects for your services and make a referral at the right time. The problem is referral sources often do not know the full range of how you can help a client.
So many referrals are poorly matched to your capabilities. Other well-matched referrals go unmade because your referral source fails to recognize a great prospect when they see one.
Finally, many prospects that might be good clients rule out your firm before even talking with you. Importantly, there are new digital strategies that can accelerate referrals.
Making your specific expertise more visible is the key. This allows people to make better referrals and increases your referral base beyond clients and a few business contacts. Learn More: Referral Marketing Course. Can you develop new business directly by sponsoring events and advertising? It would solve a lot of problems if it works. No more trying to get time from fully utilized billable professionals. Unfortunately, the results on this front are not very encouraging.
Studies have shown that traditional advertising is actually associated with slower growth. Only when advertising is combined with other techniques, such as speaking at an event, do these techniques bear fruit. The most promising advertising strategy seems to be well-targeted digital advertising. This allows firms to get their messages and offers in front of the right people at a lower cost.
Professional services firms have been using phone calls and mail to directly target potential clients for decades. Target the right firms and roles with a relevant message and you would expect to find new opportunities that can be developed into clients. There are a couple of key challenges with these strategies. First they are relatively expensive, so they need to be just right to be effective. The key is to have a very appealing offer delivered to a very qualified and responsive list.
Here, the strategy is to make your expertise visible to potential buyers and referral sources. This is accomplished through writing, speaking or publishing content that demonstrates your expertise and how it can be applied to solve client problems.
Books, articles and speaking engagements have long been staples of professional services business development strategy.
Many high visibility experts have built their practices and firms upon this strategy. It often takes a good part of a career to execute this approach. But changing times and technology have reshaped this strategy.
With the onset of digital communication it is now easier and much faster to establish your expertise with a target market. Search engines have leveled the playing field so that relatively unknown individuals and firms can become known even outside their physical region. Add in video and social media and the budding expert can access a vastly expanded marketplace. But these developments also open firms to much greater competition as well. You may find yourself competing with specialists whom you were never aware of.
The impact is to raise the stakes on your business development strategy. It is common to combine different business development strategies. For example, networking and referrals are frequently used together. Every business must acquire customers to grow, but every potential customer is not the right fit. The ability to evaluate whether a potential customer is qualified or a partner has access to members of the target audience is a necessity in business development.
Business developers often work closely with sales team members to push qualified leads through the sales funnel and get prospects to the next level. After the handoff, the sales team members will demonstrate the product, negotiate and ultimately close the deal. Although business development professionals are involved in the sales process, they rarely close deals or convert prospects into customers. Those responsibilities ultimately fall on the sales team.
However, the ability to streamline the sales process can improve the success of a business, which is why business development professionals and sales team members work closely together in this capacity. Without strong communication skills , it will be difficult to achieve success in the world of business development. Business developers must be able to write and speak confidently and clearly, as well as listen to the responses and concerns of potential clients.
The responsibilities of a business development executive include calling prospects, maintaining long-term relationships and sharing valuable information with those involved in the business. Along with those communication skills, a business developer should be able to negotiate. While they might not be the one closing the deal, they are responsible for generating leads and keeping them interested as they move through the sales funnel.
To succeed in negotiations, you need to be able to think creatively, understand the needs of others and prioritize. Above all else, your communication style should be genuine and tactful. You can also improve your communication skills by practicing presentations and pitches to feel more confident.
In many companies, the business development department often aligns more closely with the marketing department than the sales department. Although a business developer must have some sales skills, they must also understand the basic principles of marketing and apply them in their role.
Ultimately, the goal of both marketing and business development professionals is to grow the business, although the methods for doing so may differ. Smaller companies may not have the resources to employ a full marketing team, so some of the tasks often associated with marketing could fall on the business developers. These tasks include finding ways to promote the brand, expand the market, acquire new users and generate awareness.
Additionally, many business development executives are looking for opportunities to form partnerships, not sell to a direct end customer. Therefore, the ability to promote the brand effectively is pertinent. Business intelligence is gaining insights and a deep understanding of a market.
In business development, building these skills involves researching the needs of the business and its competitors to gain a broader view of the target market. I, on the other hand, do not have a pet. So what if Petco wanted to sell something to me? For example, I have red-hair and pale skin and as such, I am prone to spontaneously combusting when exposed to the sun. Therefore, one market that I "live" in is the Sunscreen Buyers market. If Petco wanted to sell something to me, perhaps they can find a way to enter into that market by offering sunscreen, hats, or sun-reflecting aluminum foil suits.
Building, managing, and leveraging relationships that are based on trust, respect, and a mutual appreciation of each other's value is fundamental to enabling the flow of value for the long-term. Relationships with partners, customers, employees, the press, etc.
So, is business development actually sales? Is it partnerships? Is it all about hustling? Instead, create persona cards, hand them over to your team, stick them on your walls. One of the issues I faced in my relation with AEs was the lack of feedback from their side. This way your business developers will have a clearer idea of what the company needs, and sales reps will have a better chance of closing deals.
So I would take on the role of my account executive and the AE would take on my role. At the end of the day, the entire sales team would meet and share our experiences. With this approach, the team must work together to get the bonus. Business development is a powerful tool for business growth — but not everyone understands it. We are now at a stage where business development is defining its borders. Companies are investing in this role to stay ahead of the competition. According to the Future of Jobs Survey by the World Economic Forum, business development positions are the sixth most in-demand emerging job roles , where data scientists came in first.
Changes in customer behaviors make business development vital. It needs to work closely with other departments to get access to the right resources and make things happen — especially sales, since they are the ones who ultimately turn business development into revenue.
That being the case, the best investment a company can make is to build a strong team that combines marketing, business development, and sales — all aligned and working together towards the same goal!
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What are the skills required for business development?