Can you 2 man magtheridon

It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date! Quick Facts. Table of Contents. Guide Navigation. Here's a complete breakdown of where to find all of your Tier 4 tokens : Item Slot.

Druid , Warrior , Priest. Hunter , Mage , Warlock. Paladin , Rogue , Shaman. Anyways - we are just starting to get into Karazhan Comment by Thottbot There is no attunement. There is no attunement. Comment by Thottbot Ok here's the scoop. Mag's Lair is a man raid instance which is for highly geared raiders. Just a simple raid instance south lower part of hellfire citadale in Hellfire Penisilla. He drops T4 chestp[iece items for all classes and some other random epics that are preaty nice.

Comment by Thottbot Becouse theres no actuall usefull info on Mag yet, heres how the fight goes. There are 5 summoners equally spread out around Mag casting some spell to keep him from moving.

They also won't attack until you attack them first. Mag himself is sitting at like 4. You need to keep in mind though that the cube will do damage a second to the player thats channeling it, and the cube debuffs the player to where he won't be able to click on a cube for the next Blast Nova. Comment by Thottbot Alright, heres the lore.

Magtheridon was lord of Outland. Illidan came in and whooped his ass. He then took Magtheridon prisoner and is keeping him in Hellfire Citidel, using his blood to create buffed up Fel Orcs. The whole Blood Furnace instance is where they are changing the normal orcs into Fel Orcs.

And the last boss of it is the Warden of Magtheridon. Thats why you can see him casting a spell to keep Magtheridon, who is right underneath him Although unaccessible from this instance prisoner. Comment by Thottbot Heh He is nothing after the patch. Not a challenge whatsoever. I kinda miss the old Mag. Plz Answer..

This deals physical damage plus a 2 sec stun to every raid member. It's very bad if the start of phase 3 coincides with a Blast Nova.

For the remainder of the fight, the ceiling randomly caves in on players 'Collapse. Collapses kill everybody in an 8 yard radius of the spot of impact. There is a cave-in animation shortly preceding it so players are able to safely move out of the way. Damage from the initial shatter can be avoided by the usual means Divine Shield , Ice Block etc.

The animation starts about 15—20 seconds before the raid actually takes damage. Every 60 seconds Magtheridon starts to cast Blast Nova. About all wipes at Magtheridon happen because of an uninterrupted Blast Nova. In order to stop it, all five Manticron cubes must simultaneously be clicked channeled by players.

Each cube should have one primary clicker assigned, with one backup if the primary clicker is disabled. During both Phases 2 and 3, Quake makes clicking the cubes more difficult. Since the cooldowns of Quake and Blast Nova are slightly different 50 and 60 sec , after three or four cycles, they happen at nearly the same time fortunately Blast Wave cancels any active Quake , and then move out of sync again.

It is important to know that each cube has a "safe spot". Standing up against the wall, directly behind the cube when facing into the middle of the room grants immunity to the knock-back from Earthquake.

People standing there simply bounce in place. Cube clicking should be done by the most reliable raid members, it's the single most important element of the fight. All other things being equal, it's possible to have the off-tanks from phase 1 do the clicking, because their DPS usually are the lowest, and they have higher HP and thus can keep the channel up for longer.

It's desirable to keep channeling the cubes as long as possible, but staying alive is actually more important. Clickers should synchronize the release so that nobody takes unnecessary damage.

Even at level 80 Magheridon can be expected to take a decent sized raid group. The channelers require a lot of DPS, or an interrupt heavy raid to kill by the second mark. Hellfire Warders - Come in groups of 3. One group patrols. They are immune to Silence effects and all forms of CC, including stuns. They have several spell damage abilities:.

You must clear each pack of Warders, or they will run at the raid when you engage the boss. See Magtheridon's Lair loot. Post away! Log in , it's free! An alternative version of this wiki is now operational and ready for use. WoWWiki Explore.


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