How can you let mediocrity win

You can hit a half-court shot once. Excellence is far more fulfilling and rewarding than success. Excellence is internal—you set the bar for achievement, and you determine if you are reaching your potential or not. Having a successful relationship can be seen by those on the outside. Having an excellent relationship is only something that you can know. Excellence is reaching your potential each and every day.

Striving for excellence, not success, means striving for a state of being, not an outcome. Playing a game excellently and losing should be far more rewarding that playing an average game and winning. Success can come overnight, and you can take shortcuts to get there. Excellence is not, however, to be confused with perfection. Perfection is unattainable.

Striving for perfection, instead of excellence, only serves as an obstacle to greatness. Excellence tolerates mistakes and failures, perfection does not. Strive for excellence rather than settling for mediocrity. Become one of the select few who considers success common and commit to excellence in everything you do.

A clarity of purpose inspires courage within us to follow our bliss and overcome fears. What are your motivations for these activities?

Be honest. Could you do better? Why or why not? Be truthful. If your answer is a lot of why nots, go back to 1 or check 4.

We are creatures of comfort, and at some point in our lives, we built a view of the world and personal goals that would deliver this comfort, this pleasure to us. For example, you grew up poor, so making money was important to you. After all these years, that belief has become a part of your identity and since it has always been important, it must still be important.

It feels that way. But what if no longer is? However, if you can keep going down your road, and care only about the ways you can improve in whatever it is you do, you will be in a dynamic cycle of demanding only the best from yourself that other people can appreciate and consume with as much interest.

Most people never succeed because they are not, to say the least, prepared to take failures in their most basic forms. The only thing that stands between you and a mediocre product is the source you can always hope to learn from this side of the line. There is a higher chance of mediocrity creeping in your standards when you are so hell-bent on letting only the best through that you have to make judgement calls, desperate maneuvers, and instinctive decisions along the way of reaching a very high baseline — at the very start.

Having your own voice can go a long way to help you perfect your craft. Everything that you do comes from a resource pool that you have built for yourself over long periods of time, and through reading a lot of books, reflecting on podcasts and whatever it is you turn to for knowledge.

After you have started to learn a lot, tailor contents to people in a way they are able to see the relatability between different fields, and between real life experiences and the state of psychological nature of humans.

After all that you read, no resource in the world can teach you faster than a mentor who believes you are someone who can be molded into a solid person with a distinct and an impeccable skill-set. A mentor can always save you the trouble of finding out what to pursue and what not to, which path to take, where to improvise, and how you can put more of your efforts in where they can tweak the necessary changes.

There is very little you have to do to create a fail-safe method of building and honing your craft. It starts with creating a process that you can keep to for almost every day of the week, every month of the year. The point is, it is not particularly about keeping in constant touch with your craft, as much as it is to preserve consistency and ensure practice that will one day make you into a better person that you will find hard to believe was someone so mediocre once.

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