How do tribute summons work

Other monsters can be Tribute Summoned with varying numbers of monsters, such as " Moisture Creature ". Some cards allow high-Level monsters to be Normal Summoned with fewer or no Tributes. However, if no cards are Tributed to perform the Normal Summon as in the case of "Mausoleum of the Emperor" , the Summon is not a Tribute Summon, unless a card specifies otherwise such as " Tribute Burial ". If you have any issues or find any bugs, be sure to let us know on Discord!

Jump to: navigation , search. The " Monarch " monsters focus on Tribute Summons. GX anime series, is a form of Normal Summoning a Level 5 or higher monster by Tributing monster s you control. GX anime series. By default, Level 5 and 6 monsters require one Tribute, while Level 7 and higher require two Tributes.

Tributing a monster for a Tribute Summon is part of a Summoning condition. Therefore, if the Tribute Summon is negated , the Tributed monster s will not return to the field. If no cards are Tributed to perform the Normal Summon of a Level 5 or higher monster as in the case of " Mausoleum of the Emperor " , the Summon is not a Tribute Summon, unless a card specifies otherwise such as " Tribute Burial ". Tribute Set is to Set a Level 5 or higher monster.

The tribute must still be made, but the monster is not shown to the opponent. Cards such as " Moisture Creature ", can be summoned this way for more effect.

Only Monster that directly state "3 Tributes" can be Tribute Summoned with this method. A activates "Heavy Storm" to destroy his opponent's "Scapegoat", which the opponent chains. A also controls a set "Torrential Tribute". Because there are no monsters summoned, but only effects that will summon later on "Scapegoat" , the activation of "Torrential Tribute" is not possible. Set Quick Spell Cards and Trap Cards that have no specific activation timing can be activated "anytime" same for Quick Effects , provided that they have been set the previous turn.

Of course, you still need priority to activate a card. Even if a card would destroy a card that has no activation requirements, the card can be chained. Although the card is destroyed in the resolve, the effect activates! The reason lies in that an effect is no card. The only exceptions are permanent effects Equip Spell Cards, Continous Spells and Traps , they need to be face-up on the field to have their effects.

More about this in the chapter "chains". This principle is used to check the legality of the activation of a card or an effect. It means that you can only activate a card or an effect when it is sure BEFORE the activation that the effect can fully resolve.

If this is not the case, you cannot activate the card. Generally, you assume that no more chain links are added to make the activation legal. These should have been activated earlier. Examples: A cannot activate "Lightning Vortex" if there are no monsters on B's side of the field. A may activate "Morphing Jar" although it is obvious that the effect cannot fully resolve.

Flip summons do not count as effect activations, they are actions. The effect will try to resolve as far as possible. Player B loses the game as he cannot draw all 5 cards. Generally, card effects resolve where they are activated.

Meaning: Player A activates a Spell Card on his side of the field. The effect of the card resolves on his side of the field, A gets the effect. B activates "Monster Reborn" targeting "Disk Commander".

Before the effect of "Destiny Hero - Disc Commander" triggers, the permanent effects on the field are counted in. Now "Destiny Hero - Disc Commander" triggers to his summon.

Although it is B summoning the Monster, it is A getting the effect. This is because the monster determines the controller of the effect upon activation of the effect. Regarding activation costs, we sometimes have graveyard effects and field effects that do not seem to be such. Effects with activation costs always activate where the costs are paid.

B discards "D. Crow" as activation cost from his hand, targeting his opponent's "Treeborn Frog". Because "Shadow Imprisoning Mirror" only negates effects that activate on the field or in the graveyard, it cannot negate "D.

Crow" was discarded from the hand as a cost to activate its effect. The effect activates and resolves also on the hand, regardless where the card physically is. A controls "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror". The costs were brought in the graveyard. Therefore, "Destiny Hero Malicious" activates in the graveyard. The permanent effect of "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" negates "Malicious". An Infinite Loop is an effect combination in which several effects influence the game at the same time, causing a chain or a repetition of permanent effects that have no finite end.

Infinite loops are forbidden. If he does anyhow, this counts as misactivation, the card returns to its original position. B only controls "Jinzo". A wants to take control over "Jinzo" with "Falling down". A cannot activate "Falling Down" because this would result in an Infinite Loop. He has the possibility to change "Cyber Phoenix" into Defense Position so that his effect is no longer active.

After this, he can activate "Falling Down". There exist situations where no player takes the fault in creating an Infinite Loop. Important for this mechanic is, that before activation it was not sure that this would lead into an Infinite Loop. Example: A played "Falling Down" on his opponent's "Jinzo". In addition, A has a set "Cyber Phoenix" on his side of the field.

B plays a "Book of Taiyou" on "Cyber Phoenix". Because B did not know upon activation that he would cause an Infinite Loop, he can activate "Book of Taiyou". Now, the Infinite Loop would begin, but this is forbidden. Still "Book of Taiyou" was a legal activation, so it cannot be taken back. There also exist legal loops.

In these, the player causing the loop just names a number of times he wants to repeat something "infinite" is no number. After it, he has to do another action. Legal Loops can always be stopped manually. Because of this, they are not forbidden.

As long as there exists a chance to stop the loop, it is perfectly legal. B has a set "Spear Cretin" and another one in the graveyard. A has no cards in his graveyard. A attacks the "Spear Cretin". Because both monsters have a mandatory effect and "Spear Cretin" cannot summon a monster from A's graveyard, this would normally lead into an Infinite Loop.

But there is the possibility to summon "Spear Cretin" in face-up Attack Position. This means player B has to say how often he wants to summon "Spear Cretin" in set Defense position.

After this, he has to choose another option. So in the end, player B has to summon "Spear Cretin" in face-up Attack Position, even if the loss in Life Points would cause him to loose the game. When the Turn Player wishes to end his turn, he has to move into the End Phase.

It might be, that he has to resolve effects "D. Survivor" or fulfill certain conditions "Brain Control". After all effects, conditions and similar are checked and resolved, there is still the possibility to activate Spell Speed 2 or higher effects.

When both players agree upon ending the turn meaning they pass priority in the End Phase on a neutral chain while there are no more effects that need to be resolved , the number of hand cards in the Turn Player's hand is checked. If the Turn Player has more than 6 cards in his hand, he has to discard cards from his hand until he has 6. Now, it is no more possible to start a chain manually.

Normally, we now start with the Draw Phase of the next player. But mind the following: Sometimes, it may happen that a card that was just discarded triggers because it was discarded. In this case, it does not matter if the effect is mandatory or optional.

The effect activates in a new chain that can be chained and responded to. After the chain resolved, there is again no possibility to manually start a chain. The game again checks the hand card size of the Turn Player. If they are now 6 or less, the turn is finished.

If not, the Turn Player has to discard again. Of course, permanent effects are also counted in. Example: A has 7 hand cards and enters his End Phase. Both players pass priority and A has now to discard a card. He chooses "Night Assilant". Player A has again 7 hand cards.

He has to discard another card. Important : This discarding of cards is a game mechainic, no effect. Advanced Example: A has 7 hand cards in his hand upon entering the End Phase. B has a set "Torrential Tribute". Both players pass priority. A decides to discard "Fabled Lurrie". B cannot activate "Torrential Tribute", because he cannot start a new chain. Therefore, you cannot respond to the Summon, you could only have chained earlier to the effect of "Fabled Lurrie". Tokens are created trough card effects.

They count as Normal Monsters and also as cards, but with some restrictions. They are always Special Summoned when they enter the game, even if the creating card reads something like "place" or "play". Although the older version of "Scapegoat" says "place", it is a Special Summon. Player B can react to the Summon with "Torrential Tribute". Token always represent Normal Monsters, although one might think they are effect monsters.

Some Token have a kind of condition placed on them that seems them to be Effect Monsters, but they are not. B also controls a "Treeborn Frog".

A has a set "Ceasefire" and activates it. The effect causing B to take damage is "Ojama Trio". If a card has the effect to set a monster face-down, a token is NO valid target. If a card contains the effect of setting a monster face-down toghether with other effects, the effect can generally be activated.

But it has no effect on the token. Examples: A has 3 "Scapegoat" Token. B wants to activate "Book of Moon", targeting one of the token. A Token cannot be set, therefore it is not possible to activate "Book of Moon".

A has 3 "Scapegoat" Token on his side of the field in Attack Position. B activates "Swords of Concealing Light". The Token are changed to face-up Defense Position as they cannot be set. Token also count as cards. Example: A has 4 "Scapegoat" Token and no more cards on the field or in his hand.

B activates "Secret Barrel". If a token leaves the field due to the effect of another card, it simply is banished and ceases to exist. Different from monsters, a token is not sent to the Banished Zone, it is no longer available. Therefore, it is not possible to Summon a banished Token. Examples: A has 4 "Scapegoat" Token on this side of the field. The token is banished, but does not end in the Banished Zone. It is not possible for A to get his token back with "Return from another Dimension".

A has 4 "Scapegoat" token on his side of the field and no other monster. B flipps his only monster, "Morphing Jar 2". The token are banished. Therefore, they are not shuffled into the deck.


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