Answer: The basic four data types are: Data Type Integer Type Character Type Floating Point Type Void Type signed int short int long int unsigned unsigned int unsigned short int unsigned long int char signed char unsigned char float double long double. Read more. Draw the basic organization of computer. Central Processing Unit CPU : Control Unit: Control unit of a computer system manages and coordinates the operations of all other components of the computer system.
Arithmetic Logic Unit ALU : Arithmetic logic unit of a computer system is the place, where the actual executions of instruction, takes place during processing operation.
Storage Unit: Primary Memory: It is volatile loses data on power dissipation. It is used to hold running program instruction, data, intermediate results, and results of ongoing processing of jobs. ASCII two types-. ASCII It is a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to A standard for representing characters as integers. Unlike ASCII, which uses 7 or 8 bits for each character, Unicode uses 16 bits, which means that it can represent more than 65, unique characters.
This is a bit of overkill for English and Western-European languages, but it is necessary for some other languages, such as Greek, Chinese and Japanese. Many analysts believe that as the software industry becomes increasingly global, Unicode will eventually supplant ASCII as the standard character coding format.
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