On the other hand, your blessing will still be determined based on your free will — whether you will choose righteousness or wickedness. A simple example of grace is the good health you inherited from your parents. On the other hand, a simple example of blessing is the good health you earned for eating the right or healthy foods and keeping yourself away from vices, such as gluttony, smoking, adultery, and drunkenness.
I hope you have been enlightened on the difference between grace and a blessing. May you have both of them and keep them for life and for eternity. The Bible said that we are blessed. Genesis says: God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over … Adam and Eve did not do anything to be blessed. In Ephesians the word says Praise be to the God and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realm with very spiritual blessing in Christ So in Christ we are blessed just have faith in the finish work of Jesus and receive your blessings.
Also Jesus is our righteousness as 2 Corinthians says God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Read also Romans This is complete garbage. Romans None is righteous, no, not one; -Explain the poor who love and serve God, were they not righteous enough?
Thank you for, I really enjoyed this article. I have a question I hope that you may bring further clarity to. How would you explain your thoughts contrasted with Matthew ? Not an attempt to be controversial…your thoughts regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, this really enlightened me. I thought blessing can be bestowed upon us when we pray for it but it is something we have to work for it by practicing righteousness.
I will not pray for blessing, I will now work for it. Photo by Joanna Kosinska What is the difference between grace and blessing?
People usually favor people who also favor them. Similarly, God shows favor to those who delight in, connect with, and give honor to Him. Favour is often interchangeable with grace. Grace is the free and unmerited blessings of God. In other words, grace is the unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. In theology , there are two types of graces: common grace and saving grace.
This includes the provision of food and essentials, the beauty of creation and every good thing that happens to people. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.
Most read. The Divine Mandate. The divine mandate is what is ordained by God for you to fulfill. Life is all about fulfilling prophecies; not about what to eat or wha As it is said "Health is wealth", so we depend on our health to achieve wealth and greatness in life. Health is one power to The Three Levels of Success. Success is in three levels. Success is all about making history in a kingdom. The definition of success is restricted to Kingdoms. The Difference Between Grace and Blessing? Grace Grace is the power of God that draws one unto salvation.
Jesus said in John , that no one can come to him except the Father who Biblical Prosperity- Three Keys of Riches. We have three keys to riches , but first of all we have to understand what riches is. From my perspective riches is defined as having a luxu