What makes girls irresistible to guys

I was really impressed by how honest and willing you were to share your views. A superb mix of thought-provoking, informative, funny and heartfelt answers. A fantastic smile is something that is hugely underrated. Sometimes it can just be a joy to chill with a pint of ice cream and watch some trashy tv, or to take a nice walk in a park.

Some girls expect the sun moon and the stars every day and night, and after a while it gets tiring. All of the above, and a nice smile goes a long way in my book. But a woman in demand will always peak another guys interest. Having said that though, me personally, being attractive only gets you so far. Driven women, ones with goals who actively pursue them. To me anyway. Not a woman that can crack funny jokes or one-liners, but someone that can participate and enjoy the back and forth of a humorous exchange or revel in observing the odd things that happen all around us.

Also confidence is sexy, driven, motivated but not arrogant, they should also smell nice, like chocolate chip cookies, super brightly colored bras are also awesome, like purple or fluorescent green! I guess its the whole manic pixie complex thing but perhaps with more intelligence.

If she knows that you can navigate well on your own, then she has more room to relax in your presence. She doesn't have to show you how to do it, because you already know how. We like that. Obviously, trust and honesty are important qualities in all relationships. Trust comes from acting in honest ways, but the definition goes beyond that.

What I mean when I say trust is, can a woman trust that you're being honest with yourself? One of the distinct feminine qualities is intuition — and with our intuition comes the ability to sense your BS from a mile away. When you learn to be deeply honest with yourself about your struggles, shortcomings, challenges, strengths, all of it , then a woman will feel your integrity. And she'll trust you, too. As you already know, humor is at the top of every woman's list for a potential partner.

But why is this? Because humor has the ability to lighten a mood! The feminine gets bogged down with her emotions, as well as her to-do lists. This is very stressful for us! If you can make a woman laugh, it's a gateway to flow. Women are very grateful for your ability to add joy and light to day-to-day life. For all you men out there, keep in mind that your masculinity is a gift, to your partner and to the world.

It is part of what makes you uniquely you. We appreciate the ways you're different from us. In the comments below, women, please share with us the qualities of the masculine that you appreciate the most, and men please tell the masculine qualities that you appreciate most about yourself. I look forward to hearing from all of you! Our FREE doctor-approved gut health guide. You are now subscribed Be on the lookout for a welcome email in your inbox!

Main Navigation. Your family, friends, etc. Take a moment to understand your accomplishments and figure out your self-worth. Have a sense of pride, and women will notice it. If you always bow down to any request, people will start taking advantage of you. You just have to be strong enough to lead. When you walk in a restaurant, open the door for her. Lead her in the doorway first. Put your hand on her hip from behind and give her a little push forward.

Just like pricey handbags and outfits, they want to be the girl that other women are jealous of. Remember to be protective, but never possessive nor jealous.

Nobody wants to be in a boring relationship. Girls find fun men attractive because they keep them guessing every step of the way. Like a god d-mn magician that woos the audience with excitement, woo her. Just like candy, too much can be a bad thing. When it comes to validation, give it out sparingly. Doing so will make you look like a fool. Men who make girls work for validation, on the other hand, are far more attractive and desirable.

Women like men who have a high sense of value and independence too. Be affectionate, not clingy. Girls find men with a soft, calm voice attractive.

But why? Because they are in control. Patient men more than often make for great fathers. Most girls find men who are rough and humorous in bed attractive. Cater to her fantasies. A bit of fun in your sex life can build a better bond. So, can being confident. Ask her what she likes the best. Aim to please, not just perform. But they also are looking for one more thing: Vulnerable.

They desire to take on a motherly role to support you. But in terms of relationships, girls also want other women to be jealous and notice too. The Science Behind the Attraction While romantic attraction is definitely complicated, science has some very compelling insight into the traits and behaviors that make women more attracted to a man.

What do girls find attractive about men? Quite a lot. Men universally are drawn to women who live a life of love, positivity, joy, creativity and who keep worry and fear to a minimum.

The fact is this type of woman is rare. Unfortunately most women live in constant fear, worry, self-judgment, guilt and anxiety. Last but not least, believe it or not, it is still important for a woman to be a good cook!

There is nothing better for a man than coming home to a fresh, hot and homemade dish on the table. They really admire the effort and time a woman puts into preparing a meal and they feel special and rewarded after a long day. So, my dear lady, try discovering your seductive self by keeping these ideas in mind and putting them to use.

You will soon realize that you had such seductive goddess in you all this time. After all, every woman has one. Friday, November 12 Facebook Twitter instagram. Want create site? Find Free WordPress Themes and plugins. Did you find apk for android? You can find new Free Android Games and apps. About Author Magnificent.

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