Entries Per Page:. Methods Map Research Methods. Explore the Methods Map. Related Content. Back to Top. Deception occurs when participants are deliberately given false information about some aspect of the research. Incomplete disclosure occurs when participants are not given information about the real purpose or the nature of the research. An investigator proposing to use deception or incomplete disclosure should justify its use in their IRB protocol submission.
Studies utilizing deception should not be submitted for Exempt Review, rather, depending on the nature of the deception the study will be reviewed under either Expedited or Full Board Review processes. Please address the following when preparing your IRB protocol submission:. The debriefing is an essential part of the consent process and is mandatory when the research study involves deception.
The debriefing provides participants with a full explanation of the hypothesis being tested, procedures to deceive participants and the reason s why it was necessary to deceive them. It should also include other relevant background information pertaining to the study.
After participants have been debriefed immediately following completion of the study the IRB expects that participants will be given a debriefing statement to take with them. For online studies the debriefing process should occur as soon as a participant has completed the research activity.
As an added measure, it may be necessary to send an email out to all participants after the study is completed to ensure that all participants those that completed and those that may have stopped mid-way receive a debriefing form. The debriefing statement must be reviewed and approved by the IRB. The process to debrief participants must be explained in your IRB submission. Your submission must indicate who will debrief participants.
The IRB expects that this person is a member of the research team who has knowledge about the research and the deception. The IRB has provided a deception research debriefing form template for researchers to use. Please note that the UMass Psychology Department may have their own guidelines and specifications regarding debriefing forms used by researchers in the department.
For further information on psychology department specific guidelines please see their website. Finally, the IRB suggests that the debriefing also be used as an educational tool, even when the study does not involve the use of deception. Deception occurs when participants are deliberately given false information about some aspect of the research; incomplete disclosure occurs when participants are not given information about the real purpose or nature of the research.
These guidelines and sample debriefing statement are intended for researchers who need assistance in creating a Debriefing Statement for research involving human participants. These elements are described below with non-exhaustive lists of issues to consider that can be used in whole or in part, depending on the needs of the study and the researchers. Probe for participants' suspicions This element is most commonly done orally, not via the Debriefing Statement.
Ensure that participants leave with a positive feeling about research. Exceptions Under most circumstances, the IRB expects that participants will be debriefed at the conclusion of their participation, before they leave the experimental session. If researchers believe this is not an appropriate procedure for their study, they must clearly justify this decision in their IRB Research Protocol Form and describe when and how participants will be debriefed. There are some rare instances in which debriefing may cause more harm than the deception itself.
For example, if a participant is selected for participation based upon certain characteristics e. Researchers who believe that debriefing will cause more harm than the deception must clearly justify the decision not to debrief in their IRB Research Protocol Form. The IRB will make final determinations about whether and when debriefing is necessary.
Debriefing Guidelines. Administrative Committees. Institutional Review Board. Do I need IRB approval? IRB Forms. Consent Form Guidelines. Probe for participants' suspicions This element is most commonly done orally, not via the Debriefing Statement Ask the participants if they have any questions about the study Ask if they were suspicious about the procedures or purpose of the study Ask if they can guess about what the research study is about Ask for their feelings about and reactions to the study Ask if they had heard anything about the study from other participants 2.
Make the actual purpose of the study clear Describe what is being studied and include relevant previous findings as appropriate Relate the research to something participants may have learned in class Explain anticipated or observed results so far Offer to provide them with the study results but do create a process for actually doing so 4.
The IRB suggests that participants be given at least 48 hours to make this decision and provide contact information for who participants should contact regarding their withdrawal from the study. This option must be given to participants even if they were video or audiotaped during a focus group or during an experiment involving other participants. If a participant decides to withdraw, the researcher must use video editing tools to make an individual who withdraws unidentifiable. If tools are not available, the researcher cannot use the video or audiotape Exceptions Under most circumstances, the IRB expects that participants will be debriefed at the conclusion of their participation, before they leave the experimental session.