When does skoll spawn time

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Kemp Guides. RDF feed. NPC faction. NPC level. I knew of other hunters getting him over the past couple of days, and all of them were taming him at the spawn point in the Foote Steppes above the village Titan coords 46, After all that time, I was getting frazzled.

I even logged out earlier tonight without any intention of logging back in to hunt for him again until tomorrow. So, I ended up logging back in really fast, just to check one more time. I had logged out at the Snowdrift Plains point, so when I logged back in, the first thing to greet me was an orc hunter in a ROFLcopter hovering right over me.

So, I decided to fly around the area and see how many hunters were out, what spawn points were open if any , etc. I saw no less than other hunters in the area — mostly flying around, checking the spawn points but a few were in the Foote Steppes killing rhinos and whatnot. All of a sudden, my NPC Scanner went off great add-on btw, just got it this morning as I approached the spawn point.

I was so excited that he spawned, but I was sure another hunter would have him or at least be taming him already. When I rounded the trees though, I was shocked to see him all alone with not a soul at the spawn point but me! I forgot how to dismount from my gryphon for a few seconds, then I targetted him but forgot how to shoot! I got him! Dropped a frost trap and easily tamed him.

So, he is mine finally and now I have all three spirit beasts. I uploaded screenshots, etc. Good luck to everyone else still looking! I am so glad to be done with this hunt! Titan Panel Coords: 46,65 above Brun. Village — where everyone else is getting him! I just Got Skoll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will be there sometime. I would have sent a pic of my taming him, but since that npc scan blew up like that I was lucky to live let alone the other hunters that were above me watching lol.

Congratulations on getting Skoll for reals! I still have yet to see a Hunter with him on my server since 3. I just tamed Skoll today at the spawn point near snowplain drifts was around Took me two days of flying back and forth occasionaly checking his spawnpoints :p. I now have all 3 Spirit Beasts. Got Skoll Couple of nights ago. Linked Picture in forums and sent one to Gar.

Skoll without question is the best looking of all. A prowling wolf that uses his claws is a confused wolf. Gotta be honest not too impressed with this guy, a blood elf that was stupid enough to attack me at a spawn point ended up with him later on that night…. I did make a point to eradicate the poor guy about 7 times in WG tho….

Just my opinion. Maybe a dripping blood, Massacre Enchant type of effect on his fangs. Oh yea, and how about bite instead of claw….

Im still campin this puppy. Its rivalin Loque in difficulty… especially when other hunters zoom past you on their epic mounts while youre wind rider is sittin at a nice slow pace.

Good luck and let me know if you do snatch him up. I managed to tame Skoll Thursday around at I had just finish doing my dailies when NPCScan went berserk. Flew down, trap, ALMOST forgot to abandon pet and later managed to tame it without the use of frosttrap, was such a hurry!

Luckly, first on my server Executus EU to tame it! And I helped two other hunters with the aid of this, and one of them, Trizzi, got the second catch last night! Grats on the tame Arendil. Does he pounce like the cats do? Freeze trap snapped an tamed with health left. Thank You for advice all. Great Work in this blog also. How can you tell if you get a server first tame? I no i got a realm first tame cuz of the spirit bear because i tamed him the day he was added and theres almost no way any1 else had tamed him and respawned.

Persistence pays off. I tamed him at server time on Windrunner. NPCscan went off and I nearly had a heart attack! He was at the spawn point just north of Brunnhildar. This is one elusive puppy! He actually looks much better in person. But yea, he is quite icy in appearance.

I think that once our pets start inheriting some of our crit the gap will be much smaller. I think BM Raiding is an oxymoron right now, but that may change a bit soon. So heyy, I managed to find him about 20 minutes ago, like above the village, the spot that has the platform thing in the ground. I noticed that when I wrote a message here earlier, the time was way off for me than it is here, and way.. But yeah, So …. So yeah, it says her that i posted this at pm..

Hi Garwulf, I got Skoll this morning.. You know what? So happy right now. Used this map to find skoll tamed him at roughly 2am server time on Ravenholdt oct 7th. Hope this helps sombody else get him! I found have been looking for him for a few days now after i decided that i really wanted to tame a rare as a pet this is my 1st hunter i did alot of reading and the spawn pts seemed consistent but there was no set time.

I disagree with you on this.. I have him as a pet and have for months now.. Now if you would kindly tell me how he is icy, that would be appreciated. He is light blue, not covered in ice -.

Grats on the tame. Could you tell me which spot exactly you tamed her at?.. Is that true? Anyway, I love this site, great job guys. Please get back to me.. Your email address will not be published.

Previous Post: « Patchy Goodness. Booya baby! Boo to the Ya! Just nabbed him at pm Server time on Cenarion Circle. I just got mine after waiting about hours. Tamed him on first try. Just saw him when I was flying around. I thank you for this accurate map! Good luck hunting! Zephyrina, Eitrigg. So I descend, and in a rush, immediately hit tame beast. Waiting… waiting… He killed me. C-R-A-P Without my pet out, the Pally could easily wipe the valley with me, but remarkably, he got on his mount and flew up.

It was good to see such gamesmanship from an opposing player. Good luck people. Got Skoll at around central time right there near that round thing on the ground. Bummer… if that happens again, just go camp a different location or come back later.

Oh forgot to tell where it was it was just up Brunhildar at the small plateau. I added one of your pics to the post btw. Good luck and happy hunting. Mokuu — Wyrmrest Accord. Marleey Frostmane Horde. Grats on getting Skoll Remo! Glad the info helped you. Did you write his name down Cresila, and more importantly, are you on a PvP server? I have been looking for the TLPD. Nothing so far, but two mornings ago I killed Vyragosa. Got Loque last christmas so I thought I would try and find Skill this holidya.

I have a terrible confession, just found Skoll again by the drain cover … and killed him. I promise a shout-out to my fellow hunters next time! Good hunting to all of you. Fent Grats on taming that beautiful Spirit Beast. Hello Whomever… Had a great week ,ghondria 4 times,krush twice,mosh and loq and cliff jumper and Barnabus.

Gl all any one in Queldorei ever need a hand see me ,im down. Great site Bro keep it up…. Good Luck on getting Arcturis Whuumper. Hey, my screenshot is not posted yet. Btw, grats for all the hunters. Lieber Garwulf, Thank you so much for posting the spawn points! Headshot of Maelstrom. Headshot Grats on getting Skoll, and thank you!

Grats Roitar! Nice screenshot too. I have something to add about skoll. I finnally got him, i will explain how, it can help some people. Good luck all hunters. Thanks for the info Anxunamoon, and grats on Skoll. Garwulf, After 2 weeks of camping and watching hunter friends tame him Skoll is finaly mine. Good Luck!! Fail: — threats to kill Skoll while others are taming — one player going around showing off Skoll just to trigger npcscans of others — false spawn times whispered or posted in General — those three bots farming at Snowdrift Plains, they come up at regular times Good luck!

Dammit, not fair — why do the beast mastery hunters get all the cool pets?? Hello Ladies and Gents! So heyy, I managed to find him about 20 minutes ago, like above the village, the spot that has the platform thing in the ground. I exited WoW, downloaded and installed the addon, and when I logged back in… Skoll was standing in front of me! He follows 6 hour intervals. But limites in Stable slots. Plus other beasts. Flew down, trap, ALMOST forgot to abandon pet and later managed to tame it without the use of frosttrap, was such a hurry!

And two more advice, be ready, when i found him, i was in Survey talents, and with a few mana, and got lucky to have to the time, to respey, take beast mastery and send my other pet back to the stable. This npc is not part of any, achievements most likely because he is a tamable hunter pet. Woke aup at est server time yesterday morning before work, made 2 passes, and nothing.

Then, ironically, not more than 10 seconds later a hordie swoops down.. Thanks for the help, Happy Hunting! Thanks for the info, got mine yesterday at 1am turalyon and found him again today 0am just flying by helped out another hunter. I dont understand why i have yet to accomplish this spirit beast.

Gondria was yesterday and Loque last friday. Hi there guys! Both I waited only 3 hours tops for each. Woke up same time this morning, and on second pass tamed Gondria.

Gondria is a level 77 rare elite spirit beast found at multiple locations in Zul'Drak. Grats to Semilac for managing to nab him before anyone else did.

But: Me and my friend found both at same places, above Brunnhildar village. I forgot to mention. Its a wolf but its not kind of a wolf, Since this pet got Spirit Strike Prowl Claw I find this pet very unique since its the only Wolf with prowl. But stil, the pet miss some abilities as a wolf. But it seems that we got more positive sides out of this Wolf that others. When Im updated, I update this Topic.

Comment by jjoren Just tamed Skoll, still shaking. Server, Lothar at hours server time. Location Comment by arcteras Just got him 12am ST on Dragonblight EU Snowdrift Plains 28, 51 Word of warning: Very cool pet but the electrical fizzing noise he makes is becoming kinda tiresome and I've only had him for 40 minutes.

I'm on the look out for an addon which mutes it - if anyone knows of one or can write one, please post a link : What's with all the downrated comments? Okay, spawn times are random but even so, patterns may emerge which could come in handy. I'm not posting this to gloat, I'm posting it in the hope it will help others. Comment by Rielwyntar Tamed around pm server on Ysera at the spawn point at 46, He didn't seem to move more than 30 yards in any direction from where he spawned.

Edit - not sure why someone downranked this since I'm trying to provide helpful info on how far he paths from his spawn point. Comment by Faelan Tamed Skoll on Slivermoon at Took me 3hrs of flying around. Good Luck Fellow Hunters!

It doesn't show the lightning effects that it has. And that's cool that they added 3, so far, spawn points for it. Comment by mgaroz Tamed this beauty as Nayki on Uther a few hours after the patch went live, presumably server 1st, at the 27,7 location. Comment by Svafa In Norse mythology, the aspects of the sun and moon are pursued through the sky by two wolves. Skoll is the wolf that pursues the sun and, at the onset of Ragnarok, will finally catch and devour it.

Skoll's brother, Hati, will do the same to the moon. NPCscan found him, and using a modified target macro id made for Loque'nahak to verify just in case it was a shadow melded NE hunter Talk about luck Comment by The picture doesn't do him justice, in the picture you can see what looks like sparks, well those sparks crackle all through him. I stumbled on him by mistake while gathering leather, he was in a tree and blended in very well.

The map is correctly marked in each spot, I found him shortly after the servers came up pm EST, and he hadn't respawned at am because everyone was going nuts, for him.

I was still in the area at that time; gathering leather when I saw a friend and stopped to chat, I was getting bombarded by "go away this is my spawn spot", "I am going to report you if you don't leave", and hordies were getting pets and naming them stupid names to tell me to go away.

All I can think is, what idiots, I already have him, what am I going to do with a second one, I am hunting leather and chatting with a friend.

He is yellow, so will not aggro till you start to tame him, BUT; people will kill him out of spite saw several threats of that made. He also has all of the skills a spirit beast does, meaning he has Spirit Strike as well as Prowl and his focus dump is Claw. He really doesn't shrink in size much either, he is a pretty big boy. Another important thing: These beasts are exotic! In order to tame them, you must have the point Beast Mastery talent.

When I got to town and went into the bank, I was instantly spammed with "what is that", "where did you get it", "how long did it take", and a million more questions, so be ready to answer till his new wears off.

Comment by I found him in the spot outside Valkyrion after a lot of time camping since patch day Comment by i am a auchindoun belf hunter and found this beast on luck tbh Chillin in Dal showin him off. Comment by Brakkis Helped a guildie tame him on Alterac Mountains server, at Comment by 27,50, normal marked spawn point, just hiding behind the tree This mob moves about 5 steps either side of his spawn point.

He does not patrol at all, so just check the 'L' shaped spawn point route. Easy tame, no frost trap, didnt even bother going max range. Good luck all. This time at 46,65 right by that circular grate thingy on the floor. Again, he just moves a few steps on way then the other.

Comment by Narzul Times spotted as assorted from current comments - x2 Will update. Please don't downgrade posts containing "Tamed at X server, Y coords, Z hour".

Comment by I'm probably the 7th or 8th in Azjol Nerub. There are only two spawn points. Skoll pats from the Brunnhildar disk to the Frozen Tombs or cave to the north.

Skoll probably pats from Snowdrift Plains down to the frozen lake past Valkyrion. Skoll has his own randomized timer and location. Fail: - threats to kill Skoll while others are taming - one player going around showing off Skoll just to trigger npcscans of others - false spawn times whispered or posted in General - those three bots farming at Snowdrift Plains, they come up at regular times Good luck!

Finally after watching for him all day! At about am server time caught him at cords 27, He is beautiful! Good luck hunters. Comment by Exodar Realm My girl had been camping this one for 2 days GL all.

Got him at 29, NPCscan is a must for him because of the demand for him. It will give you an edge to quickly know he's there and tag him quickly. I have the other 2 as well and have noticed that since the demand is high for Skoll, Loque'nahak and Gondria seem to be available with less competition.

Good luck to all Hunters! Comment by Found him at Garm, at 46, 80ish at pm. He patted near the mountains. Someone in my guild had just caught him about an hour before at the Brunnhildar spot. I was heading to do dailies and flew over him, when npcscan alerted me and I nearly dismounted a few hundred feet in the air.

I'd been told he had a 1 day cooldown and wasn't prepared for him. There was a Server restart in process and spawned 4mins before server shutdown. Man it was close and btw make sure you use frost trap he deals alot of damage. Most hunters on this server that have this pet are horde, i am one of the 1st alliance to tame him.

Good Luck Everyone, He's def the best looking pet out there. Comment by So, i was skinning with my Druid north of Valkyrion and I saw some guy ask if anyone had seen Skoll a bunch of ppl kept on saying "oh i tamed him a week ago" or "haha your looking for him its a waste of time" and suddenly from behind my back i saw this blue wolf slowly moving behind me i told the guy about it he came took him about a min to get there and, 30seconds later he was tamed and the guy was happy.

Co- ords were Comment by Saw Skoll, again, today on the Frozen Lake at about PM server as he spawned right before my eyes. Killed him cause I already have him.

He does NOT pat at all. He has seperate spawn locations, and he moves about three feet from each of them. Comment by Wyldchyldd Found him this morning while making my rounds. NPCScan is a godsend for those of us looking for rare pets. He was quite easy to tame. Thanks to all those who have taken the time to post spawn points and times. You guys rock! Good luck and happy hunting. Comment by Sashiria The kill may show on your map, but it does not show on other's maps.

Again, please stop killing Skoll if you find him. Drenden server has a chat channel, Skoll, with folks who would love to find him! Comment by camped Skoll at Comment by Was able to tame Skoll just north of Brunnhildar Village around pm server time on the Moon Guard realm. Comment by I was so exicted when i find him. He was telling me how good he was at snippin games. I saw him out of the corner of me screen.

I set a frozen trap but he walked to far from it. So i just tamed it normal. If the channelin had been any longer i would have died lol. Draka server. Snowdrift plains behind the trees. Comment by Ardha I tamed him today I was gathering herbs, without the aim to find him.

When I landed in front of a group of trees next my herb, I have seen blue sparks through the trees. He was walking back and forth at the very small place under the trees at the left side of the smal valley, invisible from the air. I immediately went from MM spec to BM, abandoned my pet, filled in mana, and started to tame him.

He bypassed my Freezing Trap, but the taming was quite easy without it. For ppl using NPCscan - the thing announced Skoll maybe 10 sec after my seeing him, when I was long in mana-filling already.

Comment by I'll be on the lookout to tame this puppy. Comment by Tamed this beauty at about mst on Nazgrel. Was just messing around in guild chat and camping the metal pad spawn point above the village when NPC scan went off. My heart was racing and my hands shaking after I got this tame. My GM already has this pet and now I do.

Named her Tesla, for obvious reasons ; Its all about chance, but if you check back eventually you should get it. Had been patrolling spawning points for a week, but then a guildy and good friend spotted it for me and I rushed in. Good luck to other hunters out for it! Comment by Caught this beauty last night on Skywall server at ish server time, at the Brunnhildar cliffs "hot spot" 46, Had been camping for approximately 6 days total, and it was completely worth it.

The last spawn I can personally confirm prior to my capture of him was almost exactly 24 hours before, when another hunter tamed him and I had missed the spawn by mere minutes. Anyway, I wish you all good luck in your continued hunting, just keep at it and you'll get him eventually!

Comment by PocketFox Just tamed him at pm server time on Kirin Tor at the 46,65 spawn point the one at the metal pad above Brunnhildar Village, essentially 12 hours after I gave up last night. While I was camping, I heard from someone in general that their guildie had tamed him earlier in the day So it looks like his respawn is between 10 and 12 hours? Edited to add "PM". That's usually helpful. Comment by After 9 long days Skoll fineally spawned roughly 36 hours after server restart We never saw the lost in time drake, however 26 hours before Skoll spawned Vyra passed by the same spot where I killed him.

I Come from Greymain Server vary old and over populated server the ratio to Alli and Horde on my server Found him Just before the drop off of the frozen waterfall,Bor's Breath. There was Aprox.

Took me about 4 days of flying over each sight. Was informed by a friend who tamed him yesterday afternoon around PM server that the spawn timer was hours. Seems it might be set to re-spawn randomly between 6,8 or 12 hours. Happy Hunting! He was easy enough to tame. I landed up on the hill next to the cave, away from the hostile Worms and Elementals patting around the area, dropped an Ice trap, popped him with an arcane shot and commenced taming.

I always make sure I don't have a pet out when I look for Skoll and that I'm in BM spec so there's no waste of time stabling pets and switching specs. With all the other Hunters looking for him too, it's best not to waste time taming Skoll if you come across him. Hopefully Blizzard adjusts that in a future patch.

I'm not used to a wolf that can Prowl. I mean - what if they make the next Spirit Beast a Rhino? Are you gonna give a Rhino Prowl? LOL Kinda hard for a Rhino to be stealthed when they weigh like half a ton and shake the ground when they move. But I digress I saw a lot of level 78 and 79 Hunters camping his spawn locations - you guys can't tame a pet that isn't equal to or lower then your own level. So make sure you are level 80 first before you go looking for Skoll, otherwise you'll be stuck staring at Skoll and won't be able to do anything but kill him for the stupid Blue Dagger and some gold.

Good luck guys! He was located near the cave in Snowdrift Plains around 28, Good Luck to my Hunter brethren that have yet to tame this awesome pet. It took me about a week of camping and searching to finally get him. He was located at 46, Good hunting hunters. Comment by Muli For the hunters that are interested in this awesome pet on Korgath server, he spawned at 12 am server time Aug 21th, Loc 28, Comment by Tamed on Mal'Ganis, pm server time, at the ledge right above Brunnhildar Village.

He spawned right next to the little pad on the ledge. Comment by Lynkyn Draenor, 21 Aug 09, P. I had been camping the spot just East of Bruinhildar because I knew that's where he had spawned three others times; twice he was tamed and one alliance hunter killed him while another was attempting to tame him at that spot.

I get antsy waiting in one spot so occasionally I orbit the other spawn points. I had usually camped the spot in the Snowdrift plains because the other spots were always camped by someone else. Kind of happy that I tamed him where I camped him the most, even if it happened to be a lark that I found him there to tame. After that I fired a Freezing Arrow which didn't trip, but I started the tame anyhow, he leaped at me, smacked me a couple times but never interupted the tame.

He shadow melds which I didn't know, had lots to feed him as I had been killing Rhinos or other mobs that patted near me. I'll probably camp to try and help Shaulada if she hasn't tamed him yet as she was the person who was taming him when the other hunter killed him.

He was right south of the cave in the trees in Snowdrift plains. I have all 3 spirit beats now, along with the Worg from ramparts with the saddle on yet :. Comment by Tamed Skoll just a few moments ago :. Right on one of the spawn points; the one with the circular pad in the ground, looking over Brunnhilder Village. I flew over and there he was :.

When all the talents have been put on, he has the same stats as my Gondria spirit beast. So no loss there. Threw down a frost trap and bobs your uncle. Good hunting! Comment by BHLimbslicer I tamed this beast on the PvP ptr roughly a day after it went live on the ledge just above Valkyrion, where a Spirit Healer is found whilst dead. Things to note - It requires the 51 talent skill in Beast Mastery, it's the 3rd Spirit Beast known in-game, and it can prowl.

Comment by LTygress New information I logged in to a rare mob alert, and tamed him this morning at 27, But while I was taming him, Silver Dragon gave me a hit on Vyragosa. So I finished taming him, and then killed her right after. So skoll does NOT share the spawn with Vyragosa. Comment by Nubrian Just tamed him on Duskwood server near the blue drakes and the village.

Comment by winaje Thanks for all your comments. I'm still shaking, lol, having tamed him at approx pm server time on Barthilas, at Bor's Breath spawn site.

SilverDragon picked him up no problems. For all those who are trying to grab him, he's awesome, and definitely worth the wait. I'd also suggest that when you do tame him you send out a general chat message so that other hunters know not to bother camping him for the next few hours Comment by batkinson ah but here's a question: does it share a timer with the other spirit beasts?

I have only seen Logue once when i found her and tamed her back around Christmas last December and have yet to see the other two Comment by batkinson update for my last post around pm as i was flying by gimorak's den near the disc spawn area for skoll, npcscan popped with his indicator but i could not find him anywhere Comment by Kimburu Just wanted to pop on here and let people on Gurubashi know I just tamed skoll about 10 minutes which would be abt am server time ago at the I was super excited, lol.

I landed went to tame him just to be told I had too many pets so I had to quickly pick and abandon one of my other pets, then go through the tame process again, but I got him. Comment by tyrok does NOT share timer with Loque'nahak! I was just farming some saronites in sholazar, and there Loque was. I called my hunter friend and he tried to tame it.. But he still couldn't tame Skoll That must have been a bug!

While we tried to tame him, a god damn rogue named Suntwink, Server Frostwhisper, Alliance ganked us. Sucha imature boy. Sorry for a kinda bad english. If you want to kill Suntwink, I would be gladly to help and kill him too. Tyrok, Frostwhisper. Comment by Lhakil Becuase of the fact that most spirit beasts are cats, Skoll does sound like a cat and has cat-like abilites such as Claw and Prowl although he is a wolf.

I think Blizzard should change SKoll sounds to sound like a wolf but he is still a really cool pet to get. Good luck in the future. Im loving the pet. Comment by Just tamed the new Spirit Wolf 2. Been looking forever and a Night Elf hunter was nearby the area, so as soon as I saw it with my target macro, I started shaking, dismissed Gondria, froze Skoll, and started taming while a Jormungar was attacking me.

Now I just need a name. Comment by Valefar Hello, I've been looking for this guy for 3 days now, didn't even see him yet. Any tips on how to get him quicker? Thx in advance, Valefar. Comment by Hey, just got Skoll on Eitrigg. He spawned at about am realm time near the metal pad just northeast of Brunnhildar.

Came back from smoking a cig and there he was just trollin around beneath me. Figured id mention he is a big head turner, getting compliments everywhere. Comment by Tamed a few secons ago, caped for 7 no-consecutive hours. Comment by Tamed at 8. Was sadly only level 78 at the time though.

This time I decided I wanted to camp him for a while, which turned out to be about 3 minutes before he spawned right in front of me :. Comment by Tamed at Skoll does do a pounce so put your freezing trap directly in front of you. I was coming north through the valley, up from the frozen lake spawn location, when NPCScan alerted. I couldn't find him at first, because he was behind a group of trees off to the left as you approach this spawn location.

Once I located him, I dismounted from my flying mount between the trees and the mountains, away from the mobs in the area, and really close to him. I placed a frozen trap at my feet and started the tame. The trap faded away right at the end of the tame and he was able to hit me once, but then he was tamed.

No mobs, or alliance interference, was encountered. I had been looking for him for about 14 hours, ever since I turned 80 on this server. He now joins Loque and Gondria in my stable. Good luck to all who are looking to add him to your stable, he is worth the effort. I hope this posts aids you in your search for him. He looks awesome, much bigger than the cats look standing next to you, and the blue color and effects add the finishing touches for this beast. Comment by For all those on the Kirin Tor server I tamed him today at pm server time, near the cave at the snow drift planes.

Comment by meigu Phew just tamed Skoll on Balnazzar Eu at , took me almost 40 hours of searching but I finally got it. I had seen him twice in the last days but was always too late, both of those times he was above brunhildar village at 46, I got him at the Bor's Breath spawn at 30, Edit: forgot to say that it took 23 hours between the Brunhildar spawns and Bor's Breath spawn was 11 hours after the last sighting.

Comment by Tamed on the 31st am just b4 server main. Cave location 27,50 easy tame Roughly sever time. Seems to be a trend for me All of these sightings were at the same coordinates, in Bor's Breath Good luck to all!

Comment by I just tamed Skoll today at p. I had just logged out there after camping for hours on end, then happend to log right back in to check something and BAM! I wish everyone the best of luck in taming this amazing looking pet! Any other tips or info i may have or come across i will sure to post on here. Comment by I found him at the spawn point above Brunnhildar Village at am exactly on Sunday, Aug.

I have gotten many comments and questions about him. A tip I give to hunters looking for him on highly populated realms is this: Whenever you see a hunter looking for him as well, make a deal. If i find him, i'll let you know the date, time, and spawn point. If they are reasonable, they will agree.


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