The second issue is that there are currently Sprint customers in locations that are not well serviced by T-Mobile's network. So switching to the T-Mobile network via TNX or via a device upgrade could result in worse or even no service simply because T-Mobile doesn't yet service that area.
This may not be a big problem for full-time nomads, but for those who are part-time, stationary, or have a home base or a favorite location in one of these areas - then those Sprint customers may need to consider abandoning T-Mobile for another carrier that services that area better.
And it's not just Sprint shutting down its 3G network - all the carriers already have plans to shut down their 3G networks as well by the end of Once the 3G network shuts down, these older Sprint LTE phones without VoLTE may still work for data, but they will lose voice service since voice calls on these older phones still used the 3G network.
For our data-focused audience of nomads, however, this should have little impact since most data-only devices are LTE devices and are not impacted by the VoLTE requirement. However, if you are hanging onto a 3G-only device or phone, it's time to upgrade!
For a variety of historical reasons, some organizations have special access to Sprint plans with special and often very attractive terms. Additionally, third-party organizations and providers have contracted with Sprint to sell plans and services on the Sprint network.
Customers in these situations aren't technically Sprint customers, they are just using the Sprint network, so they cannot simply call T-Mobile and opt-in to TNX. So what happens to these customers when the Sprint network goes poof? T-Mobile has not officially announced what will happen with the special non-profit plans , which have long-term contracts that allow their terms to be inherited after an acquisition.
In fact, these plans originated prior to with Clear Communications, and when Sprint acquired Clear they took over these plans. Now that Sprint is part of T-Mobile, it is expected that T-Mobile will honor the original terms and purpose of these non-profit plans and transition them over to T-Mobile before the shutdown date. Nicholas Merrill, the director of the Calyx Institute , told us he expects his plans will be supported long into the future, but:. I think eventually we may need to replace the Sprint sims, but at least a year out.
Customers on these plans should expect to hear from their providers about what the future will hold for their services. We sent official inquiries to FMCA about the future of this service in light of the announced Sprint network shutdown, but at press time have not received a response.
While Sprint's network in its entirety will be entering the void, the other carriers are also shutting some legacy networks down - but only the older 3G and 2G networks. No matter what network you are on - if you're still using 3G devices, it's long past time to upgrade! For in-depth information regarding the evolution of cellular technology of all of the major cellular carriers - including more detailed shutdown information - see our guide:.
In fact, Sprint wasn't even that impressed with its own network. It's important to keep in mind that even though the death of the Sprint network is inevitable, the timing is not. Shutdowns very often get delayed and T-Mobile may not be able to keep this aggressive timeline.
But even if the shutdown is delayed, those currently utilizing the Sprint network need to start planning for a post-Sprint world. In the far future in cellular time , Dish may rise to be a fourth. If you're a member, log in above to leave a comment below or join is in our interactive Member Forums. We are honored to bring you industry news analyzed for RVers and cruisers.. This site is member funded.
Thanks to the letters it is sending out to businesses subscribers , though, we knew that it plans to shut down its 3G network October 1st, yet a new tip sets the T-Mobile 3G network sunset date to be in April , while the 2G network will most likely last through the end of next year.
Until this date, your device will still be able to use these services. Verizon's 2G network is already sunset but don't worry about its 4G LTE network as this will be around together with Verizon's 5G coverage years to come, so no need to switch to 5G phones just yet, unless you want some of the perks that come with those.
Unfortunately, yes, for the most part. Google just stole the worst iPhone feature ever: It makes Pixel 6 unusable with one hand. Customers only need to take a few easy steps:.
Select devices that are not compatible with the T-Mobile LTE or 5G network will need to be upgraded to continue getting service, including the ability to make calls depending on your location. This includes:. New to T-Mobile?