Topic: 17Which diagram represents prophase i of meiosis. Topic: 3a There is one set of chromosome in the metaphase of mitosis but two sets of chromosomes in metaphase II in meiosis. Tags : diagram prophase represents which. Post a Comment. Information Receive in your inbox the latest content and participate in the promotions and benefits we have prepared for you. Newslater Receive in your inbox the latest content and participate in the promotions and benefits we have prepared for you. Open Meiosis.
Open Meiotic Cell Division. Open On Teaching. Homologous chromosomes can exchange parts in a process called "crossing over. Purpose : Meiosis is a special version of cell division that occurs only in the testes and ovaries; the organs that produce the male and female reproductive cells; the sperm and eggs.
Why is this different? Ordinary body cells have a complete set of chromosomes. If body cells from mom and dad fused to form a baby, the fertilized egg would have twice as many chromosomes as it should. Meiosis is sometimes called "reduction division" because it reduces the number of chromosomes to half the normal number so that, when fusion of sperm and egg occurs, baby will have the correct number.
Therefore the purpose of meiosis is to produce gametes, the sperm and eggs, with half of the genetic complement of the parent cells.
In the figures below, pink represents a genetic contribution from mom and blue represents a genetic contribution from dad. Meiosis: Cell-cycle controls shuffle and deal.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 5 , — doi Page, S. Chromosome choreography: The meiotic ballet. Science , — Petes, T. Meiotic recombination hot spots and cold spots.
Zickler, D. Meiotic chromosomes: Integrating structure and function. Annual Review of Genetics 33 , — Chromosome Mapping: Idiograms. Human Chromosome Translocations and Cancer. Karyotyping for Chromosomal Abnormalities. Prenatal Screen Detects Fetal Abnormalities. Synteny: Inferring Ancestral Genomes. Telomeres of Human Chromosomes. Chromosomal Abnormalities: Aneuploidies. Chromosome Abnormalities and Cancer Cytogenetics. Copy Number Variation and Human Disease.
Genetic Recombination. Human Chromosome Number. Trisomy 21 Causes Down Syndrome. X Chromosome: X Inactivation. Chromosome Theory and the Castle and Morgan Debate. Developing the Chromosome Theory. Meiosis, Genetic Recombination, and Sexual Reproduction. Mitosis and Cell Division. Genetic Mechanisms of Sex Determination. Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination. Sex Chromosomes in Mammals: X Inactivation. Sex Determination in Honeybees. Citation: O'Connor, C. Nature Education 1 1 How is the same process responsible for genetic recombination and diversity also the cause of aneuploidy?
Understanding the steps of meiosis is essential to learning how errors occur. Aa Aa Aa. Figure 1. Figure Detail. Meiosis Is a Highly Regulated Process. Figure 2. Meiosis I. Figure 3. Meiosis II. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6: Visualization of chromosomal bridges in Allium fistulosum and Allium cepa plant meiocytes. Meiosis I Prophase I.
Topic: 1 rating The diagram given represents crossingover genetic recombination which occurs during pachytene stage of prophase of meiosis I. Topic: Meiotic prophase corresponds most closely to the G 2 phase of the mitotic cell cycle. Topic: A half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of dna.
Topic: Diploid and the chromosomes are each composed of two chromatids. Topic: Prophase I is divided into five different stages. Topic: A there is one set of chromosome in the metaphase of mitosis but two sets of chromosomes in metaphase ii in meiosis. Topic: B centromeres uncouple and chromatids are separated from each other. Topic: 2 The identical sister chromatids have not yet condensed into the densely packaged chromosomes visible with the light microscope.