Full caravan achievement where is beezil

Second: The caravan will go to each tower and stop so you can do a group of quests at each tower before continuing on to the next tower. You have to clear all the quests at the tower to get the caravan to go to the next one. The quests can be completed in the areas around the tower you're at.

Third: After you get to Northpass Tower, the dwarf will go missing. While doing the quests to find him, make sure you loot everything. I was stuck because I missed a quest starter item that dropped when I didn't loot the mobs. Last: Once back at LHC, the last guy for the caravan will be right next to a tree a little south of the group.

Comment by You can't get Beezil to join your caravan if you're hated with Gadgetzan.. Comment by Arcan If you're not getting credit for adding a member to the caravan, simply log out and back in and it should give you the credit - this worked for me when I had to add Beezil after completing the chain there is no quest for this guy, just talk to him at light's hope.

Comment by Phentari I logged back in after talking to Beezil and got credit for him--in fact, I thought I had the achievement finished. However, now it says that I don't have credit for Fiona. Logging out and then back in does nothing; she has no further quests to give. Did I miss something, or is this a glitch?

I went and did quests in other zones for awhile and came back to EPL later, as soon as I landed at Thondroril River flightpath, I got the achievement again. Try that, might fix it for you. Strange bug, lol. Comment by did the Fiona quest chain, got all the way to lights hope and finished her chain without realizing I needed to grab a few people. Battle for Darrowshire IS fixed, finally got Pamela. Comment by Juvy if you look at the criteria at the top of the page, six of the requirements are quest completions.

Comment by Battle of Darrowshire is indeed broken. It bugs. I requested help from a GM and he contacted me after few hours. Said he reseted the "area" and the quest is now possible to finish.

I went back to the Darrowshire and finished it with no problems. Beezil tells you he will join the caravan but the achievement isn't updated? Relog It helps instantly. As for people who have problem with Vex'tul? I've heard there are some problems with the NPC but no idea what it is all about and therefore i can't help. Hope you are lucky with nice GM to reset the Darrowshire for you! Good luck. And the Darrowshire quest is bugged, so will she move when I do it?

Comment by Japes Completed the achievement last night and logged in to find I needed to recruit Fiona to the caravan. Comment by Hey all, I have had several problems with this achievement too; on the day when I got it, and on the day after it said Beezil was missing after all the questing on day 1, and then Fiona was greyed out on day 2 after getting the achievement. Here's some tips that fixed things up for me. If you're having troubles with getting Beezil on the caravan, do this: 1.

Talk to him at Light's Hope Chapel and select the dialogue option. Talk to him again. You should then automatically get the achievement, and you will know that Beezil has definitely joined the group by talking to him once again and seeing that he has nothing more to say. Also, make sure you are at least Neutral with Gadgetzan! You will not be able to interact with him properly if let's say, you've been farming Bloodsail rep a lot. This of course, applies to the rest of Steamwheedle Cartel.

If you managed to get the achievement but then suddenly lost it because Fiona went missing greyed out on achi , then do the following: 1. Fly to the river area of EPL, where you first met her.

Speak to her. Go back to her again, and you should automatically get the achievement. You should not need to relog. I hope this helps :. Comment by weezuz Well i cannot find Beezil anywhere. Can anyone plz let me no where he is located as i dont see him at Lights hope chapel anywhere.

My caravan is currently at North point tower. Comment by Xanthria Where did you get the item for Gidwin? I can't find him and its aggravating. Comment by Turof It is most unfortunate that as of this posting the quest is still bugged, The Battle of Darrowshire, and as such you can not get the ach.

Just did it on Tuesday after servers came back up, and got it done. You need to help kill a few elites but it was not too hard as a shadow priest. Comment by Do you get Pamela after completing the Battle quest? Shes the only one I don't have in my caravan because the battle is glitched here as well.. Comment by haven't had any problems talking to anyone but Beevil, relogged and BAM, got credit.. Pamela on the other hand will not talk to me. I cannot complete The battle for Darrow, so i'm guessing that's where the problem lies.

Comment by Lohoris Oddly, with an alt of mine I suddenly "Completed step of achievement " without ever having been in the Eastern Plaguelands. Comment by Malvenue I was having trouble with Battle of Darrowshire quest completing like so many others have.

Today I logged in shortly after the server reset and made my way to Darrowshire to find the event completed and the two green quest npcs available to interact with. I quickly worked through their dialogues, headed to little Pamela and completed the quest.

I was immediately awarded the achievement without any further dialogue necessary. However, after coming back and hour later and logging in from the Badlands, again the achievement is again uncomplete and Fiona is the one that hasn't joined her own caravan! Don't know what's going to happen with this. Comment by Bellenova A member of the horde was doing this quest. After multiple ganking attempts with both of us dying a few times they managed to finish it. Low and behold lucky me was able to talk to the Joseph Redpath ghost npc and get credit for Battle of Darrowshire :.

Comment by sfen BTW, I freaked when I completed getting the traveler at the first tower Argus Highbeacon, guy at the top of the tower who gives the plaguebat quest , and he didn't show up in the achieve window.

He showed up only after the coach ride ended at the next tower. Comment by thijsd This is working again as of 1 December Proof: here : It didn't work the first time for me though but after 2 tries it worked well : You just can't prevent the NPC's from dieing :. Comment by Jaadis This achievement just appeared complete after i had first talked to Beezil and then relogged. Guildies saw no achievement announce about it in guild chat. Very weird. Comment by Buffalo3R i did that achievment by relogging because i needed beezil as last guy and got the achievment, but now it says that i didnt get it and that i missed fiona.

And this achievement can be completed. I have everyone except for Rimblat did his grubb meat quest. Comment by Saxfacts I also have the bug where I am missing the achievement after having received it already as well as Fiona. Comment by Chsnutmare EDIT : This series is very buggy i just completed with 3rd character and didnt have to complete all of the quests listed with this last character.

The list does represent what was needed for "my" characters to complete this Achievement. If Pamela or Beezil do not show as completed, log out and back in. Although you should note that you must be at least Neutral to get Beezil to talk to you, youll have to grind rep to complete this if thats the case. Comment by In regards to getting Little Pamela: The "Battle for Darrowshire" has been seriously bugged, there are enough posts confirming that. However today the launcher downloaded a tiny patch and now the quest was working properly for me.

It's good to do Eastern Plaguelands Quests at the same time. Light's Hope Chapel. Go to the western edge of EPL at location 9, 66 to Fiona. This is where you take the caravan which will stop at Crown Guard Tower. From here you need to do all quests associated with your desired caravan members.

All the ones around the towers basically. If you're stuck with the caravan at Northpass Tower, you most likely need to pickup this item. If you don't get the achv after talking to beezil, just relog. Comment by smart Beezil is a member of gadgetstan, you cant talk to him if you are hated with the Goblins. You can still get all the other guys to join though. Comment by LovesJoyousSin Another odd thing with Fiona disappearing from your completed achievement: I had the achievement, logged in next day and no longer had it.

Appears Fiona tried to skip out. I was questing in Arathi Highlands and ran into the alliance fp birds and died So dying once may help if you're impatient for the bug to be fixed and want to give it a try. Comment by Beatriz A few guild mates and I have been running around completing quest achievements this week for lack of anything better to do, and I'd heard some of them mention that this quest line was bugged.

Because of this I started tracking the achievement before I even entered the zone, and I noticed that I got Fiona's credit before even talking with her, just by accepting the pre-quest at LHC to talk to her. I don't know if it is possible to start this quest line without the Light's Hope starter quest, but is it possible some of the bugging has happened because people start directly at Fiona instead?

That said, I had Beezil bugged for awhile in spite of a log off, but when I logged on after a three hour break, I had the credit. I guess my first log off didn't take.

Also, don't give up on Darrowshire. I went back and tried it again multiple times, and it finally worked last night. Comment by Martika Can confirm that Darrowshire can be restarted if it ends up bugged out by abandoning your quest and re-getting it. Can confirm that once you finish it, if you log out and log back in you get the achievement.

Can confirm that the next day, Fiona is no longer on your list and you have lost the achievement again. So now wht? Comment by OK so i acheived full caravan yesterday after needing to log out and back in to receive the achievement although when i logged in today the achievement is no longer showing as earned and it says i need Fiona to complete my caravan.

Apart from these 2 issues i didn't have any quests that were actually bugged. Comment by Tjaffe After completing this achievement yesterday, I found myself upon logging in today without the achievement, Apperently "Fiona" decided not to meet the criteria of the achievement afterall. Has this happend to anyone else? Comment by The same thing happened to me, Phen. I assume it'll be fixed at the next patch. I had the achievement and now I don't. Comment by Sothasil Had the same issue, earned the achievement by relogging, next day lost the achievement because Fiona was missing.

I just talked to the flightmaster to fly to the chapel and re-earned the achievement directly after the start of the flight. Comment by Jyra Just remember to start her moving before you have all 8 recruited. It can be started fairly early, but you can also wait until you have 5 recruits - the last three Beezil, Argus and Rimblat will not join you until the caravan is on the move. Comment by So, I finished every quest in Eastern Plaguelands with only Beezil left to go for this achievement.

I talked to him, didn't get credit, fiddled around with him, got frustrated, came here, discovered I just needed to relog, so I relogged, and it worked. I logged back in with the achievement and 10 more points than before.

I moved on to the quests in Badlands, and about half-way through them, my full caravan achievement was no longer complete, and I was somehow missing credit for Fiona? Okay, so I flew ALL the way back to Eastern Plaguelands, and tried to talk to Fiona, but alas, she's nothing but a vendor at Light's Hope and she's nowhere else in the zone.

So I relogged again, and it didn't work. Relogged a few times, didn't work. I put in a ticket, farmed for Mr. Grubbs for a few hours, then gave up and went to bed. Got home after work the next day, logged on, realized the ticket still hadn't been answered, farmed Mr. Grubbs for about 10 minutes and then amazingly got him.

Well, soon as I right-clicked Mr. Now watch, tomorrow I'm gonna log in with zero achievements Comment by freak45 logging out and back in works : woot got mine. Comment by Invisafehz I had the same issue as Phentari above. I talked to Beezil, and at first I didn't get credit for him. I logged out and back in and then I had credit for Beezil, but I no longer had credit for Fiona. I decided to go back to questing and flew to Plaguewood Tower. Upon landing at the tower I suddenly got credit for having Fiona and got the achievement.

So if you are having trouble getting credit for Fiona after you have all the others then try flying there. Hope this helps. Comment by I had the Fiona bug too. I did all the flying around, which didn't work. I died accidentally, that damn Cape of Stranglethorn quest that kills you got me due to a "Can't do that while mounted" error Finally after doing 10 more Quests achievements and consequently finishing , I decided that wasn't going to work so I resolved to mess with everything I could until it worked.

So, here's how to make Fiona give you your credit back: Take random buffs from the caravan. I had Fiona's the entire time, switched to someone else's, switched back, then kept taking more and more buffs. One of them gave me Fiona credit note: not Fiona's. Hope this works for you, and good luck making it stick once and for all!

Comment by messiah77 I had the same issue as others, first of all wasn't getting the credit from Beezil so relogged and that worked, i had my achievement or so i thought lol Logged off for an hour or 2 and then when i log back in, my achievement has gone and i'm missing Fiona I flew to Thondoril River but she is no longer there, so flew to Light's Hope Chapel, landed, no achievement. Ok, time to see if the aforementioned buffing works, and YES!

I just clicked on the buffs from the caravan and it came up, i think i started from Beezil's buff and went backwards, got to Vex'tul and i got the credit for the achievement. Hopefully when i log back in tomorrow it will still be there lol Anyway, thanks to all with the tips etc, and i hope that it gets fixed soonish otherwise it's going to get really tedious.

Comment by You no longer have to complete all the quests at a tower to get the caravan to move on. Comment by darkbane I have complete all the quests and have credit for everyone except Fiona.

I had credit for her right from the beginning but after I got Beezil, I lost Fiona from the achievement. Can't do anything about this and it's pretty annoying! Comment by DtM I was stuck on this for ages. Completed all the quests and the caravan wouldn't move from Northpass Tower.

I even went into Stratholme and cleared all of those quests. I had the 70 quest achievement adn was stuck. I checked through my bags and found a drop that started a quest "The Baroness' Missive".

I handed this in to Tarenar Sunstrike. This then led to "Gidwin's Fate Revealed". After this quest which involved a nice cut scene I got "Journey's End" quest and a hearthstone to Light's Hope Chapel. There by the wall was the Fiona and the caravan to complete the quest. Next to the caravan stood under a tree was Beezil Linkspanner. I spoke to him and even though he said he could drive the caravan I did not get the achievement :. Relogged to check if it was bugged and when I zoned back in I got the achievement : dtm, Aszune.

Comment by marklartank after reading all these comments about losing fiona, i tried something different when i didn't get credit for beezil. EDIT: and now Comment by Mykal Same bug as everyone else. Beezil wouldnt join so logged, got achieve. Was even at top of summary. However after logging some time later, Fiona is now greyed out.

Must be a bug which will probably be fixed in next patch. Comment by Oblivexx I did the quest til like the tower east of Plaguewood, till I realized I was missing a guy goblin. I found the goblin at Light's Hope Chapel and invited him to join.

Once the story was completed I didn't get the achievement for it. I tried the relog method, but nothing popped up. Any info would be appreciated. Comment by Lasser Though I had to relog to get the goblin. I can confirm that this is still working. Comment by Deathtou can you talk to the all the characters needed for the achievement after you have completed the quest chain Fiona gives?

Comment by After finally going back to get Beezil, Fiona is longer green in the achievement thing. How can I talk to her to complete the achievement? Comment by I hope they fix it quickly, it's the only quest achievement I have left for the eastern kingdoms.. Comment by PirateGunman I just recently completed and attained the achievement "Full Caravan" I then went and finished the final part for Vex'tul. Now, even before finishing Vex'Tul's chain, my achievement had left me upon logging on after I had already achieved it from my last play.

It now says that I'm missing Comment by Completed everything in EPL, spoke to the last goblin but it didn't register that he had joined the caravan. Relogged and I had the achievement.

Relogged again and now it says I don't have Fiona :S. Got a ticket open now. Comment by Amberose I had the same bug with Fiona but managed to get it back by going to Light's Hope and getting the Lucky Charm Buff then flying back to the start point of the quest chain near the river. Ran to the spot where the caravan would be Note that fiona or the caravan isnt there and then ran across the bridge until the zone changed.

Once the zone changed i was given the achievement immediatly and it has stayed after multiple logins. Can't say if doing all the above or just part of them triggered it to make the award but i tried several of the other suggestions here that didnt work for me, so kinda combined them together and that did the trick. This did not work for me. When I went back to her after having the achievement completed, she doesn't talk to me.

She's just a merchant now. Comment by dasbaum If anyone did not get the achievement or lost it missing Fiona , visit all NPCs again and all caravan places one more time, it triggers the achievement again. Otherwise petition a gm, they will fix it for you.

Comment by Lampie Just finished this achievement after having Fiona bug out on me at the end I ended up camping at the river where you first encounter her, eventually another player came along and the achievement was triggered immediately.

He summons 3 adds which you have to kill for his quest. Comment by I got this achievement yesterday, and when I logged on today, I didn't have it. The person missing? Comment by I am currently one person away from getting this achievement, Beezil Linkspanner and utterly confused as to why his name was showing up red. It turns out that by getting "Avast Ye, Admiral" I'm now hated with Gadgetzan and he is a non-killable npc affiliated with them which makes it impossible for me to get this achievement unless i were to grind my rep all the way up from hostile, through unfriendly and into nutral which means kill alot of pirates or turn in alot of cloth, so those of you looking to get this achievement and are in the same boat as I then go get alot of cloth.

Comment by Not the easiest achievement to get working. The caravan story was great however and really was an awesome mechanic to explore the zone. Did the bare minimum to get the caravan moving and discovered you only need Fiona, Tarenar, Gidwin and Argus quest chains to do so.

Thankfully you can still go back to do Pamela, Rimbalt, Vex'tul's quest chains to get them to join this doesn't change the journey story, they just leave items in the caravan you can use. Beezil can be recruited simply by talking to him once the caravan is in Lights Hope. Just like many others I didn't get the achievment after talking to him, only upon relogging.

Then logging back in another day the achievement was bugged as described with Fiona missing. Tried all that was suggested took a flight path, farmed Mr Grubbs and got him, logged out outside plaguelands.

The only thing that finally worked was flying back on mount to the start of the caravan journey from Lights Hope. At 'Crown Guard Tower' the achievement popped up. My gut feeling is the achievement is bugged based on phasing mechanics. I was actually trying Lampie's suggestion above to camp at the start of the caravans journey. If this proximity is related to other players rather than the zone it might explain why some are finding they get the achievement randomly elsewhere in Eastern Kingdoms.

Hope this info helps some of you. Comment by im stuck on this achievement : im in the northpass tower and i only need to find beezil linkspanner does anyone know what to do next? Next time I logged in, Beezil was showing as complete, but Fiona wasn't. So if you've got all the buffs available at the caravan, regardless of whether the achievement criteria are showing as completed, my guess is that the server will eventually realise, just be patient.

But I doubt there's anything specific you can do to hurry it along, short of filing a GM ticket.. Comment by Ringthane I had the achievement, and now, after a few days of playing, I don't have it again. Who'd I lose? Just another in the long list of things that isn't working correctly in this godawful rushed piece of crap they called an expansion. The only thing it expanded was the bug list. Finished the rest of the zone quests, and Fiona and crew relocate back to LHC after finding Goldbraids.

Beezil re-appears with the group, and I added him at the end. Quest complete, no bug so far with Fiona. I've done everything but Pamela And Beezil was missing. However i still miss Pamela and its's not possible to talk to her anymore : How can I solve this? Comment by JulianeOnDragon Still bugged. Got Beezil, logged out and in and he was there, but got the message that "please wait, db not ready" Next day i logged in Fiona wasn't there.

Looks like the database can't handle all NPC's. Think the bug will be corrected sometime in a maintenance. Comment by Takata Well this is one achievement that I won't be getting I didn't even know there was an achievement for it. Well at least I got my Argent Dawn faction finally to exalted which was what I really wanted.

Comment by Are you able to go back and recruit people to the caravan even after you finish the quest chain. Comment by Lol this was so strange to me. When I finished the questline I talked to Beezil and he didn't count for me, so like everyone said I relogged.

Then, Fiona didn't count! I tried the trick of switching buffs from the caravan, zoning in and out, I even sent in a ticket and they just said "We're working on it. As I was flying to Stratholme I randomly got the achievement Comment by Completed, after talking to Beezil and finishing the last quest with Fiona I did have to log out and back in, and I had the achievement. After logging out I still had it, so I guess that part is fixed? Comment by akrostychon got my achievement back, after i did some quests in The Hinterlands, namely "Stalking the Stalkers" Now the weird thing is today I was at Northridge Lumber Camp in WPL for archaeology and the second I looted a fragment the achievement popped up for me Comment by Had the same issue, opened a ticket but got referred here.

They know about the issue and there isn't a fix yet. I waited patiently for some one to talk to her as it's phased now. Minutes later some one came by and talked to her and Bam there was my achievement. Comment by DocLithius Okay, so! I finally got around to completing the entire caravan chain. He joined the caravan and I can use his cog, but I didn't get credit for the achievement. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website!

You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Quick Facts. For those "achievement lovers" after you talk to him he does join but you probably will not get the achievement if you have every one else, log out and log back in, its a little bug so you should have the achievement after relog. If not make a GM ticket. He will be red to you but he will not attack you.

Comment by dacoolman Do mind, he is from Gadgetsan, so if you grinded bloodsail rep lately, you wont be able to talk to him! Comment by For those of you as confused as I was, there is no quest for him to join the caravan, you simply speak to him and ask him to join. He leaves his cog in the caravan, which ups your movement speed.

Comment by Lore behind this guy- he was shot down by dragons over the Dustwallow Marsh, on a route between the Shimmering Flats and Gadgetzan, and nobody really believed him. So now he's trying to put as much distance between himself and the marsh as possible. Beezil's Wreck is where he crashed. Comment by Trinket90 Agreed, confusing!

I asked him to join after finding out where he was using Wowhead I exited the game and when I logged back in I did have it. Kinda missed the shiny burst when the achievement popped up, though :. Comment by I have a little problem. At least, I think I do. I finished the Caravan quest line, then looked back and saw that I was missing Beezil and Pamela. I went back for Beezil, but he's not there anymore.

Pamela's missing, too. Comment by "Like a gnome in a urinal, I'm gonna have to stay on my toes. Comment by bojan if you want to get this achievement regular way, after speaking with beezil just mount rocket nearby rocket lead you to badlands. Comment by Last night, spent the better part of an hour getting this achievement.

Realized I hadn't added Beezil to the party. Added him, logged out, logged in, got the achievement notification. Logged in this morning, achievement is gone. Says I still need to add Fiona to the party, but when I speak to her, she just asks me to buy her stuff.


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