How do you say prophecy

Prophecy declares, indeed, the purposes of God, but specially the carrying of them into effect in individual cases. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms. But in the 18th century, the great diversity of spellings for these words settled down, with the c form becoming standard for the noun and the s form for the verb.

At some point the pronunciation of the verb was also distinguished from that of the noun, so that instead of rhyming with see, like the noun, the verb rhymed with sigh —perhaps by analogy with the many verbs ending in -fy testify, stupefy, etc.

Considering the close relationship between the words, it is not surprising that they are easily confused; in particular, it is not unusual to see the noun written with an s, just as was often done before the 18th century. We may even prophesy that, over time, the form will once again become a completely acceptable spelling for the noun.

But until then, careful writers and speakers maintain the conventional and long-established distinction between the two words in both spelling and pronunciation. Similarly, the verb "prophesize" or "prophecize" —resulting from confusion between prophesy and verbs ending in -ize like proselytize and prioritize —is regarded as nonstandard.

When you make a prophecy sounds like see , you are prophesying sounds like sighing. Words nearby prophecy property tax , proper value , propfan , prophage , prophase , prophecy , prophesy , prophet , prophetess , prophetic , Prophets. Garner's Modern American Usage notes that prophesy for prophecy is at stage 3 of language change: it's common even among educated speakers and writers.

If a fortune teller made a prophecy that you were going to become a billionaire in your lifetime, you'd be pretty excited. A prophecy is a prediction, or a magical look into the future. Continue reading The word prophesy can mean to predict or reveal something that will happen in the future.

Many people use astrology to prophesy , or predict, their future regarding misfortune, wealth, love, and relationships. What are your thoughts on how Egypt relates to biblical prophecy? To think that such a rodent has these abilities of prophecy! Print Definition:. More Commonly Confused Words. Get started.


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