How does geolocation api work

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Real-time Technology Glossary. What is a Geolocation API? Carrier - Mobile carrier name, area code and network code. Local data -Timezone including daylight saving time , language including multiple official languages and currency including currency symbol and description data. The time spent waiting for the document to become visible and for obtaining permission to use the API is not included in the period covered by the timeout member. The timeout member only applies when acquiring a position begins.

The maximumAge member indicates that the web application is willing to accept a cached position whose age is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds. The coords attribute contains geographic coordinates. The timestamp attribute represents the time when the geographic position of the device was acquired.

Instances of GeolocationPositionError are created with the internal slots in the following table:. The following task source is defined by this specifications. The latitude and longitude attributes are geographic coordinates specified in decimal degrees. The accuracy attribute denotes the accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters e. The altitude attribute denotes the height of the position, specified in meters above the [ WGS84 ] ellipsoid. The altitudeAccuracy attribute represents the altitude accuracy in meters e.

The speed attribute denotes the magnitude of the horizontal component of the hosting device's current velocity in meters per second. The message attribute is a developer-friendly textual description of the code attribute. The Geolocation API defines a policy-controlled feature identified by the string "geolocation". Its default allowlist is 'self'.

As well as sections marked as non-normative, all authoring guidelines, diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative. Firefox 95 3. Safari TP 5—15 3. Edge 95 12— Note : Developers' responsibility with this sensitive data. Note : Immediate cancellation. An optional error callback: If the location retrieval is unsuccessful, the callback executes with a GeolocationPositionError object as its only parameter, providing access information on what went wrong.

An optional object which provides options for retrieval of the position data. Geolocation The main class of this API — contains methods to retrieve the user's current position, watch for changes in their position, and clear a previously-set watch. GeolocationPosition Represents the position of a user. GeolocationCoordinates Represents the coordinates of a user's position; a GeolocationCoordinates instance contains latitude, longitude, and other important related information.

GeolocationPositionError A GeolocationPositionError is returned by an unsuccessful call to one of the methods contained inside Geolocation , inside an error callback, and contains an error code and message. Valid range: 0— Valid range for SID: 0— Supported values are gsm , cdma , wcdma , lte and nr. While this field is optional, it should always be included if the radio type is known by the client.

If the field is omitted, Geolocation API will default to gsm , which will result in invalid or zero results if the assumed radio type is incorrect.

Defaults to true. Set considerIp to false to disable fall back. See the Cell Tower Objects section below. An example Geolocation API request body is shown below. Required for radioType gsm default , cdma , wcdma and lte ; rejected for nr. See the Calculating cellId section below, which also lists the valid value ranges for each radio type.

Required for radioType nr ; rejected for other types. See the Calculating newRadioCellId section below, which also lists the valid value range for the field. Required for radioType gsm default and cdma , optional for other values.

Valid range with gsm , cdma , wcdma and lte : 0— Valid range with nr : 0— Required for radioType gsm default , wcdma , lte and nr ; not used for cdma. Valid range for MNC: 0—


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